rules: { "at-rule-no-unknown": [ true, { ignoreAtRules: [ "tailwind", "apply", "variants", "responsive", "screen", ], }, ], "declaration-block-trailing-semicolon": null, "no-descending-specificity": null, }, }; 三、安装Stylelint、Tailwind CSS IntelliSense扩展 四、修改VSCode的set...
创建Stylelint 配置 将stylelint.config.js使用以下内容命名的文件放入项目的根文件夹中。 module.exports = {extends: ["stylelint-config-standard"],rules: {"at-rule-no-unknown": [true,{ignoreAtRules: ["tailwind","apply","variants","responsive","screen",],},],"declaration-block-trailing-semico...
I think it's a common question but why I didn't query some related in issue list and I'm comfused about this. I can upgrade stylelint config file's ruleat-rule-no-unknownto avoid this error simple but I think I should not do like this....
font-size: 1.2rem; } } Three errors appears: Red underline at@include:[css] at-rule unknown Red underline atfirst opening round bracket: [css] { expectet Red underline atpenultimate closing curly bracket: [css] at-rule or selector expected More precisely:I pasted the bootstrap code for R...
Unknown at rule @tailwindcss 错误 如果项目中配置了stylelint,并且使用了tailwindcss,会报这个错误 解决方案: 1,安装stylelint-config-tailwindcss 插件:npm install stylelint-config-tailwindcss --save-dev 2,配置 stylelint setyour stylelint config to:...
t the real mafias wea t the unknown city t the wings of my hea t throttle t transshipment t try this t tumb t turbocharger t under the stairs t under your shoes t used car salesman t vasanthakumar t verrÜckt t voiding time t vuelta atrÁs t wb t wedding ode t when you bring...
使用nextjjs 集成tailwind之后,在global.css 添加tailwind 组件vscode提示警告。 Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) 截图如下: 解决 原因是css 不知道这条规则提示,如果没有提示警告。 可以屏蔽这条vscode 规则: 在根目录新建.vscode文件夹 文件夹下新建settings.json 文件 ...
trading profit trading records manag trading relation trading rule trading sell trading signal trading stochastic po trading turnover trading value of memb tradition and develop tradition-oriented te traditional chinese d traditional and advan traditional black met traditional chinese m traditional chinese m...
* { @apply text-gray-dark; ^^^ Unknown at rule @apply css(unknownAtRules) } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 解决方法: 在根目录 .vscode 文件夹下 .vscode/settings.json 添加 "css.customData": [".vscode/tailwindcss.json"] 1. 创建...
./styles/globals.css @tailwindbase;^^^Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) ./styles/globals.css @layerbase{*{@applytext-gray-dark;^^^Unknown at rule @applycss(unknownAtRules)}} VSCode Solution: Define Custom Data for CSS The solution was ...