constchar*at_resp_get_line(at_response_tresp,rt_size_tresp_line); 该函数用于在 AT Server 响应数据中获取指定行号的一行数据。行号是以标准数据结束符来判断的,上述发送和接收函数 at_exec_cmd 已经对响应数据的数据和行号进行记录处理存放于 resp 响应结构体中,这里可以直接获取对应行号的数据信息。 4.4.2 ...
一、AT组件概念 1.1 AT命令概念 AT命令是由发明拨号调制解调器modem的hayes公司为了控制modem发明的控制...
at_response_tat_create_resp(rt_size_t buf_size,rt_size_t line_num,rt_int32_t timeout); 参数描述 buf_size本次响应最大支持的接收数据的长度 line_num本次响应需要返回数据的行数,行数是以标准结束符划分 若为 0 ,则接收到 "OK" 或 "ERROR" 数据后结束本次响应接收 若大于 0,接收完当前设置行...
如果开发者不需要解析具体参数,可以直接使用at_resp_get_line函数获取一行的具体数据。 AT Client URC 数据处理 URC 数据的处理是 AT Client 另一个重要功能,URC 数据为服务器主动下发的数据,不能通过上述数据发送接收函数接收,并且对于不同设备 URC 数据格式和功能不一样,所以 URC 数据处理的方式也是需要用户自...
(resp, i + 1));// }rt_device_write(client->device,0,'{\'key0\':\'data_test1\',\'key1\':1}',rt_strlen('{\'key0\':\'data_test1\',\'key1\':1}'));}/* show pubTopic message */for(i =0; i < resp->line_counts -1; i++){LOG_D('%s', at_resp_get_line(resp...
these men are my resp these mess-ups these models include these non spattering these notes these particles these people live these priests and nun these products these reforms these reliefs balance these represent docto these rich these secret dates these sought their re these students studie these...
at_resp_t tmp_resp = {{0}, 0, 0}; const at_urc_t *urc = NULL; while (1) { read_len = at_recv_readln(recv_line_buff, sizeof(recv_line_buff)); if ( read_len > 0) { if ((urc = at_get_urc(recv_line_buff, read_len)) != NULL) ...
shell */MSH_CMD_EXPORT(at_client_test, AT client send cmd and get response);#endifAT Client 使用流程大致如下:at_create_resp() 创建响应结构体 ---> at_exec_cmd() 发送命令并接收响应 ---> at_resp_get_line()/at_resp_parse_line_args() 打印或解析响应数据 ---> at_delete_resp() ...
Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features Copilot Enterprise Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 support Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... Provide feedback We read every piece ...
resp_line Required line number for obtaining data Return -- != NULL Successful, return a pointer to the corresponding line number data = NULL Failed, input line number error This function is used to get a row of data with the specified line number in the AT Server response data. The line...