lenient: Lenient on exception thrown when importing a synonym, default:false,optional format: Synonym file format, default:'',optional. For WordNet structure this can be set to'wordnet' Update mechanism Local files: Determined by modification time of the file, if it has changed the synonyms wi...
Content is placed on the CDNs once, instead of being re-pulled at regular intervals. Pull CDNs In a Pull CDN situation, the cache is updated based on request. When the client sends a request that requires static assets to be fetched from the CDN if the CDN doesn't have it, then it...
not happening at times that are at an equal distance from each other; not happening regularlyirregular mealsan irregular heartbeatirregular attendance at schoolHe visited his parentsat irregular intervals. not normal; not according to the usual rulessynonymabnormalan irregular practiceHis behavior is hi...
it could happen any time now Synonym: now情景对话 销售商务会谈 at present的反义词 A:How many do you intend to order?这种产品你们想订多少? B:I want to order 900 dozen.我们想订900打。 at present的意思 A:The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.目前我们至多只能提供600打。
Use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across 0; Solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above. Place value Year 6 non-statutory notes and guidance Pupils use the whole number system, including saying, reading and writing numbers accurately. ...
Language, color, form, and religious and civil habits of action, are all the instruments and materials of poetry; they may be called poetry by that figure of speech which considers the effect as a synonym of the cause. But poetry in a more restricted sense expresses those arrangements of la...
Note that the delete_series handler should be used only in exceptional cases such as deletion of accidentally ingested incorrect time series. It shouldn't be used on a regular basis, since it carries non-zero overhead. URL for listing tenants with the ingested data on th...
// of all your drawing code since the last time you called Present(). // // Tip: If called at regular intervals, you can achieve an animation effect. // void Present();/// // Utility /// When you are ready to end your program,...
1010 timeseries pg_timeseries TIME https://github.com/tembo-io/pg_timeseries PostgreSQL 0.1.6 PIGSTY SQL f t f t f f f {17,16,15,14,13,12} {columnar,pg_cron,pg_ivm,pg_partman} 0.1.6 PIGSTY pg_timeseries_$v {17,16,15,14,13,12} {hydra_$v,pg_cron_$v,pg_ivm_$v,pg_...
This facility makes quantifiers part of the regular SBV language, allowing them to be mixed/matched with all your other symbolic computations. SBV also supports the constructors ExistsUnique to create unique existentials, in addition to ForallN and ExistsN for creating multiple variables at the sa...