hwo (who and how?) © VAtablah (sloppy table definition in SQL) © Mstoopidity © Msoilid © VApubelic (nude in public?) © Mrememboring (because you had nothing else to do) © VAgimplay (dumbed-down) © VAmessquerade © Msmugling © M...
[New] Added the ability to export dependencies or children SQL in split mode at CLI. [New] Added code generation options to DatabaseModel::saveSplitSQLDefinition. [New] Added a fix step in CLI to remove encrypted attribute from tag. [New] Added an info message in the FindReplaceWidget re...
PT-symmetric ramp Now we consider a fully PT-symmetric Kibble–Zurek problem, when the instantaneous spectrum is always real. We choose Δ = Δ0,Γ = Δ0t/τ such that the time evolution ends exactly at an EP. The spin expectation values are 〈σy(τ)〉 + Δ0ln(W/Δ...
{ "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/my-management-group-id/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/policy-definition-name", "resourceType": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions", "resourceName": "policy-definition-name" } ], "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/...
Given the primary focus of GARD is to manage rare disease following the US definition [1], our model would effectively assist the GARD curation effort to systematically capture U.S.-based EI with specificity at the state level. This is exemplified by the comparison of “Rett Syndrome” as ...
Spatial light modulators have become an essential tool for advanced microscopy, enabling breakthroughs in 3D, phase, and super-resolution imaging. However, continuous spatial-light modulation that is capable of capturing sub-millisecond microscopic motio
{ "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/my-management-group-id/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/policy-definition-name", "resourceType": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions", "resourceName": "policy-definition-name" } ], "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/...
"Switch": { "type": "Switch", "expression": "<expression-object-or-token>", "cases": { "Case": { "actions": { "<action-name>": { "<action-definition>" } }, "case": "<matching-value>" }, "Case_2": { "actions": { "<action-name>": { "<action-definition>" } }, "...
ptts postaltelegrapha pturnover ptv ptyctolaemus gulari pt particular transfe pu alse amplitude pu fa mansion pu hai pu huo pu lan dian shi pu on a picnic pu tao jiu pu tao mei jiu pu tong ji xie pu zhi yin pu-le jin pu-ying tang pu fuggirgli ed io puberty crisis pubescent oak...
No custom animation possible for Skyrim? Wrong. FNIS Behaviors allows to add different types of animations to the game: idles/poses, sequenced, furniture, paired, killmoves, creatures, and others. Share Requirements Permissions and credits