BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE Change pip wheel --wheel-dir default path from <cwd>/wheelhouse to <cwd>. Deprecate and no-op the --allow-external, --allow-all-external, and --allow-unverified functionality that was added as part of PEP 438. With changes made to the repository protocol made in PEP...
Smith, Doug
Home: 这是nanomsg 的 Python 封装库。同时支持 Python2 和 Python3。 代码示例——Hello world from import print_function from nanomsg import Socket, PAIR, PUB s1 = Socket(PAIR) s2 = Socket(PAIR) s1.bind("inproc://test") s2.connect(...
We still have the problem on 2 servers (test and dev databases). Yesterday it started happening on a live server, however a reboot fixed that one. I have tried updating teh installation and that has had no effect. I am promised by IT that nothing has changed on these servers for a lon...
[0-9]; do \ if test -f $f; then mv $f $backupdir; restore=mv; else :; fi; \ done; \ else :; fi && \ cd "$am__cwd"; \ if /bin/sh /home/wwt/linux_r16/lichee/out/sun8iw5p1/linux/common/buildroot/build/host-autoconf-2.65/build-aux/missing --run makeinfo --no-split...
cwd "/tmp" layout "example2.kdl" name "Hello" }; SwitchToMode "Normal"; } ... } It can assign various layouts to key combinations. opened by jaeheonji0 Feature: Allow MoveFocus to wrap For example, if I am in this pane:
刚在新的 Centos 上安装 Docker-CE,后运行docker run hello-world报错Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? 解决办法 $ systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo service docker restart $ sudo service docker status (should see active (running)) ...
While Plaintiffs question its effectiveness in serving these goals, the rational basis test 13 does not permit courts to "second guess the empirical judgments of lawmakers concerning the 14 utility of the legislation." Lil' Brown Smoke Shack v. Wasden, No. CV 09-044CWD, 2010 WL 15 427388,...
CWD: Chronic wasting disease DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide EV: Extracellular vesicles FBS: Fetal bovine serum FFPE: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded fl-PrP: Full length prion protein GI: GI254023X (ADAM10 inhibitor) GPI: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol GW: GW280264X (ADAM inhibitor) HIV: Hum...
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