lang: add Hindi Language translation (#7327) (e90ae32) lang: add Romanian language and update translations doc. (#7300) (5c2a45b) package: update to @videojs/xhr@2.6 to add httpHandler helper (#7348) (c699140) time-ranges: make TimeRanges iteratable if Symbol.iterator exists (#7330) ...
allow Video.js to be required in an env without setTimeout (#7247) (8082c5a) player: accept data for fullscreenchange and error events from the tech (#7254) (41d5eb3) seek-bar: remove event listener on dispose (#7258) (c70c298) Chores component: update comment around triggering read...
As indicated, I believe a major issue here is not training with the materials at their disposal.To have foam but never train for it, how can they know its characteristics? How can they know it reacts to outside influences and factors?But this action resulting in ...
Description: The Fighter is any number of warrior professions whose job it is to live by bashing things and to die by bashing things, hence their nickname as "meat shields", meaning they should stay at the front of the battle and hit things and be hit. In the quasi-European-medieval-Tol...
Mihail originally created this for his 5 year old daughter to play, but you can learn from it too. (12 minute read): PDF files are great for certain types of documents. But they can be hard to work with as...
lang: add Hindi Language translation (#7327) (e90ae32) lang: add Romanian language and update translations doc. (#7300) (5c2a45b) package: update to @videojs/xhr@2.6 to add httpHandler helper (#7348) (c699140) time-ranges: make TimeRanges iteratable if Symbol.iterator exists (#7330)...
Fix playback rate iteration if rates are not in the ascending order (#7618) (50fe5f6) Guard against Safari adding native controls after fullscreen (#7634) (f16d73b) accessibility: By default, show track selection buttons at all responsive breakpoints (#7603) (c44057d) lang: Add missing ...
lang: add Hindi Language translation (#7327) (e90ae32) lang: add Romanian language and update translations doc. (#7300) (5c2a45b) package: update to @videojs/xhr@2.6 to add httpHandler helper (#7348) (c699140) time-ranges: make TimeRanges iteratable if Symbol.iterator exists (#7330) ...
lang: add Hindi Language translation (#7327) (e90ae32) lang: add Romanian language and update translations doc. (#7300) (5c2a45b) package: update to @videojs/xhr@2.6 to add httpHandler helper (#7348) (c699140) time-ranges: make TimeRanges iteratable if Symbol.iterator exists (#7330) ...
lang: add Hindi Language translation (#7327) (e90ae32) lang: add Romanian language and update translations doc. (#7300) (5c2a45b) package: update to @videojs/xhr@2.6 to add httpHandler helper (#7348) (c699140) time-ranges: make TimeRanges iteratable if Symbol.iterator exists (#7330) ...