at OK at+ccid//检测是否装有SIM 卡 +CCID: "89860060190200147245" OKat+cgmr//检测软件版本,5.0 以上的才有GPRS 功能支持534_09gg.2C2174768408060216:50OK at+csq//检测信号质量,确定是否可以登陆上网络+CSQ:28,0OK at+CGCLASS="B"//设置模块工作类型 1) OKAT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","CMNET"//上网设置,只...
4.1 Overview of AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005 115 4.2 Detailed Descriptions of AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005 115 5 AT Commands for SIM Application Toolkit 138 5.1 Overview 138 5.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands 138
RXD --- RXD TXD --- TXD (PS:按理说应该是esp-link的RXD接sim800l的TXD,然而测试的结果是要反过来,有没有大佬知道是为什么呀,哎,脑瓜子嗡嗡嗡的) 测试: 使用SSCOM 发送AT,如果返回ok,那说明基本的连接是没问题了的,这里发送的时候要把 SSCOM 中 “加回车换行” 这个勾上...
This code makes things a little easier for SIM800C users. You can send SMS messages to phone numbers using the sms function provided in the code. You can use this code in your projects to fulfill your sms sending needs. Using sendSMS Add the number you want to send the sms to String...
4 AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005 111 4.1 Overview of AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005 111 4.2 Detailed Descriptions of AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005 111 5 AT Commands for SIM Application Toolkit 134 5.1 Overview 134 ...
使用esp-ilnk 连接 sim800l 测试AT指令 首先需要一个升压板,因为这个模块要求的电压是3.5~4.2,而esp-link默认电压是3.3V,土豪金默认电压是5.0V都搞不起 连接方式: esp-link sim800l VCC --- VCC GND --- GND RXD --- RXD TXD --- TXD (...
phone sms simcom atcommands modems simcard typer-cli Updated Dec 28, 2022 Python arceryz / ATlib Star 6 Code Issues Pull requests Send and receive SMS/texts using Python. Low and high level API for sending AT commands over serial bus. Tested with SIM800L. python raspberry-pi serial...
Date: Status: Document Control ID: SIM800 Series AT Commands Manual 1.03 2014-03-28 Release SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.03 General Notes SIMCom offers this information as a service to its customers, to support application and engineering efforts that use the products designed by SIMCom....
6ATCommandsforGPRSSupport103 6.1OverviewofATCommandsforGPRSSupport103 6.2DetailedDescriptionsofATCommandsforGPRSSupport.103 6.2.1AT+CGATTAttachorDetachfromGPRSService103 6.2.2AT+CGDCONTDefinePDPContext104 6.2.3AT+CGACTPDPContextActivateorDeactivate..105 6.2.4AT+CGPADDRShowPDPAddress...106 6.2.5AT+CGREG...
基本上,没有人会将大段的C语言代码全部塞入 main() 函数,更好的做法是按照复用率高,耦合性低的...