AT command set 【计】 AT命令集 command set instruction 命令置位指令 input command data set 输入命令数据集(=ICDS) guard command set 【计】 警戒命令集, 卫式命令集 in command 指挥,率领 in command of 指挥 at command 掌握, 可自由使用 set on v.攻击,前进,怂恿,使开始 相似...
at command set 美 英 un.AT命令集英汉 un. 1. AT命令集 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Hayes The manufacturer that first defined the Standard AT Command Set for modems . 第一个制定调制解调器AT指令集的生产商。©
Define AT command set. AT command set synonyms, AT command set pronunciation, AT command set translation, English dictionary definition of AT command set. Helen 1900-1993. American actress noted for her long stage career and for her roles in such films a
AT command Description AT A ANSWER. Accepts an incoming call that has been indicated by a "RING". If the S0 register is set to zero, TTY indicates a RING until the call is answered by the AT A command or released. AT D[T|P]<number> DIAL. Dials the given number. Dial tone (T)...
5) AT command sets AT命令集 1. This paper presents a method of direct programming of Modem with AT Command Sets through the serial port of computer, which can easily realize remote data transmission between computers. 介绍一种利用AT命令集通过计算机串口直接对Modem进行编程的方法 ,简单而方便地...
/*customATcommandset.*/char*cmdlib[command_len]={"AT+RST","AT+LED=1"}; task任务解读: 当通过串口发送“AT+RST ”时,mcu响应指令,并反馈响应结果给串口助手,若接收正确指令则执行预设任务,发送[AT] READY给串口助手。 当通过串口发送“AT+LED=1 ”时,mcu响应指令,并反馈响应结果给串口助手,若接收正确...
AT(Attention)指令是由Dennis Hayes发明的,所以也称为Hayes command set。AT 指令最初是用来指导 modem 工作的,后面随着技术的发展,低速 modem 已经退出了市场,但 AT 指令却不断发展,并且在今天 AT 指令依旧扮演这非常重要的角色。 虽然在 PC 端、手机上已经没有了 AT 的使用,但其却在嵌入式行业里各类联网模块...
简单的来说,ATCoP接收串口(Serial Port)处传来的ATCommand,进行解析(Parse),根据解析的结果到ATCommand Tables中寻找相应的表项,若匹配,则执行对应的处理函数,处理完以后response其对应的返回数据到串口。 目前,Qualcomm(高通)DMSS采用IS-707AT Command Set作为它的DataServices的命令集。
// Respone writer configuration ATCmdSetWriterCfg, // Update writer confuguration ATCmdSetBaudrate, // Set AT hardware commander baudrate // Online mode target chip operation ATCmdConnectTarget = 100, // Connnect target chip (manual operation) ATCmdGetTargetStatus, // Get target chip status...
at command AT指令 AT命令 掌握 可自由使用 短语 at my command 听我命令 at our command 由我方处理 at-command at命令 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!