Swap the visuals of your armor to any other you like while keeping the statsChanges can be seen by others online
Replaces the Brigade / Guild Cross / Drachen layered armor (FOR FEMALE) with the Ran Page Layered Armor armor from MH Rise.If you want to use another armor instead ONLY rename the plXXX_00X0 folder and all the files inside to match the armor you want.Armor ID's:https://mhw.poedb....
Editor for equipment, armors, weapons for the game Monster Hunter: World - mhw_armor_edit/src/mhw_armor_edit/editor/gmd_editor.py at master · fre-sch/mhw_armor_edit
MHW Costume Armor is a Monster Hunter World MOD which includes graphic user interface to customize the layered armor equipped. It is a C++ implementaion of the original MHW Transmog. Available also at Nexus Mods Release! Checkout the compiled binaries on the latest Release ! GUI Preview Dependen...
This build utilize the Critical Element boost from AT Velkhana armor and the decoration slots of Fatalis. You still have a plenty of room for customization with the level 3 and 2 decoration slots in this build. All about MHW Meta With the announcement of Monster Hunter Raise and the final...
Yoshida has a co-worker who is considered a world class hunter, and would vinvest a lot of time playing MHW and is a huge fan. Yoshida was then commented on his playstyle during the Behemoth encounter in MHW, and that he was “too soft!” ...
Yo, i'm trying to add the skill 'Clutchclaw boost' to one of my armor pieces, but I can't tell which name listed under skills would be that, as their all translations of the chinese skill names, not what they're official english skill names are. That's the only skill i want to...
During MHW, Dual Blades had a 1.0x modifier for both Element and Status on every attack. This was generally the case for most weapons (and still is the case even in Iceborne). With the launch of Iceborne (v10.10), Capcom was concerned about the power level of element-based builds, and...
Declaration: All my mods are released for free on Nexousmod to avoid being deceived声明:本人所有mod均在nexous mod免费发布 谨防上当受骗
Editor for equipment, armors, weapons for the game Monster Hunter: World - mhw_armor_edit/src/mhw_armor_edit/editor/lbm_base_editor.py at master · fre-sch/mhw_armor_edit