Tirade meaning in urdu is شکایت آمیز راگ - shakyat ameez raag, it is a english word used in various contexts. Tirade meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms and multiple m...
Temperament meaning in urdu is ٹھاٹ - taat, it is a english word used in various contexts. Temperament meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms and multiple meanings of each word. It's a convenient...
Mutabiqat is a roman term that finds extensive usage in various sentences and different contexts. In English, the mutabiqat is referred to as "Aptness" and it is driven by the English language. This page provides a comprehensive description of mutabiqat meaning in English and Urdu both, makin...
Ilm is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts. Ilm meaning in Urdu is aکچ دھات ٹائی ٹینیم- Kutch dhaat tytanium. Ilm word is driven by the English language. Ilm word meaning in English is well described here in Engl...
Here's a unique feature for the modern, tech-savvy, and curious parents – have your baby's name in a QR code. If you want your close circle to know your newborn's name, all you need to do is simply scan and share it. The code not only shows the name but its meaning as well...
meaning present participle ofmean 2013July-August,Lee S. Langston,“The Adaptable Gas Turbine”, inAmerican Scientist: Turbines have been around for a long time—windmills and water wheels are early examples. The name comes from the Latinturbo,meaningvortex, and thus the defining property of a ...
] But this is the first time that a plant-to-plant language has been detected. 2009, Animals in Translation, page 274: Prairie dogs use their language to refer to real dangers in the real world, so it definitely has meaning. (computing, countable) A computer language; a machine ...
i just wana know the meaning of aaban aaban, lahore i like this name very much shehzad, lahore Many baby names. Tahir, Lahore Many different type of baby names I think are at urduwire baby news option. There are many baby names at urduwire. Now urduwire is also showing many oth...
republic English is located South Asia, east with the Indian neighbor, south side is Indian Ocean, west borders on with Iran, northwest is connected with Afghanistan, the northeast side may lead to China's Xinjiang.In Urdu, “Pakistan” this source from Persian character meaning is “th[...
whose driver gave us a good laugh assuming Yarang was my wife. Nevermind a courting couple, we were elevated straight into married status. Translated to “Royal Water Tank” in Urdu, Hauz Khaz consists of contemporary amenities surrounding the historical park with a water reservoir in its cent...