而AT胎在冰面制动时给人感觉它好像一副无所谓的态度——反正我是刹不住了,你让车自己想办法吧。总结起来就是一个字——滑。其实对于冰面制动效果我们不用太纠结,毕竟即使你去自驾,也很少有机会会以40km/h乃至以上的车速在冰面制动,哪怕路面有一块冰层覆盖,你也会提前减速缓慢通过的。 针对两款胎雪地操控方面...
#1977 (PrajaktaPurohit) Update listen_port for newer nginx.conf syntax. #1978 (PrajaktaPurohit) Update veil from 0.3.0 to 0.3.3 #1979 (PrajaktaPurohit) Add chef-server logs to buildkite #1980 (christopher-snapp) Fix markdown formatting, punctuation, grammar in release notes #1981 (IanMadd...
twisted.internet.defer.Deferred error handling is now faster, taking 40% less time to run. (#12227) Bugfixes twisted.internet.ssl.Certificate.__repr__ can now handle certificates without a common name (CN) in the certificate itself or the signing CA. (#5851) Type annotations have been adde...
According to a German study from 1941, thePerforanteshell could penetrate 47 mm at 100 m at an impact angle of 0°, 40 mm at 500 meters, and 30 mm at 1,000 meters. If the impact angle was 30°, penetration was reduced to 35, 30 and 20 mm, and if it was 45°, it was reduc...
Famously, however, this endeavour failed when Makanin showed in 1977 that satisfiability of word equations can be decided algorithmically [40]. Since then, several improvements to the algorithm proposed by Makanin have been discovered. Two decades later, Plandowski [42] was the first to show ...
Science 197, 17–25 (1977). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Greenberg, H. B. et al. Effect of human leukocyte interferon on hepatitis B virus infection in patients with chronic active hepatitis. N. Engl. J. Med. 295, 517–522 (1976). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Weimar, W. et al. ...
Mahoney与Avener (1977)提出运动心理技能量表(Psychological Skills Inventory for Sport, PSIS),包含六个维度:焦虑控制、专注、心理准备、自信心、动机与团体意识。Salmela(1992)参考PSIS编订了渥太华心理技能量表(Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool, OMSAT),第一个版本...