tp4a/teleport Teleport是一款简单易用的堡垒机系统。 521Python 01/15 186Hopetree/izone django+bootstrap4 个人博客 514 Python 01/09 187osroom/osroom Python Flask开源网站, CMF, 个人,企业网站,多用户网站.提供Restful Api,App,小程序调用 495 Python 01/13 188SpikeKing/keras-yolo3-detection YOLO...
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27,29(Supplementary information, Figure S1B). However, these lncRNAs were undetectable in the sequencing data of paired CRC/control mucosa samples (Supplementary information, Table S1andFigure S1C), or could not be detected in the CRC-derived cell lines that we examined...
integrity sha512-n/ShnvDi6FHbbVfviro+WojiFzv+s8MPMHBczVePfUpDJLwoLT0ht1l4YwBCbi8pJAveEEdnkHyPyTP/mzRfwg== dependencies: safe-buffer "~5.1.0" strip-ansi@^6.0.0, strip-ansi@^6.0.1: version "6.0.1" resolved "" ...
5 inch Touch Screen 120*73mm for GPS VX580LE VX580 VX580R VX580W VP30Multi point touch screen 55 inch capacitive touch screen panel overlay kitTP-3682S1 touch screen touchplaneCustomized touch screen for 800*480 tft lcd module 5 inch Projected capacitive touch screen glass overlay kit... 5. Now,lookingatthis,youmightbea teeny bitsurprisedthatthisentrywonoutoverothersthat werefarmorebeautiful. 现在来看看这个,你或许会觉得惊讶,其他的参赛者做的比这精致花哨得多,而只有这个应用脱颖而出。 6. Atthispointintime,IbumpedintoaCanadianpractitionerwhilechattingonline. ...
通过序列分析发现 AtWRI1 靶基因启动子区域内具有 保守性较强的序列,被称为 AW-box[CnTnG](n)7 [CG](n 为任意核苷酸).许多 AtWRI1 靶基因启动 子区域具有 2个 AW-box,都是具有功能的顺式作用 元件.AW-box 紧邻转录起始位点(TSS)或在 5'UTR 内,与 TSS 的距离应不超过 400 bp,否则不能...