该命令可用于配置<APN>,<username>,<password>等TCP / IP上下文参数。QoS设置可以由AT + CGQMIN,AT + CGEQMIN,AT + CGQREQ和AT + CGEQREQ配置 。 AT+QICSGP=?:查询命令参数。 AT+QICSGP=<contextID>:查询 contextID的配置信息。 AT+QICSGP=<contextID>[,<context_type>,<APN>[,<username>,<password>...
一、一般命令 1、AT+CGMI给出模块厂商的标识。 2、AT+CGMM获得模块标识。这个命令用来得到支持的频带 (GSM 900,DCS 1800或PCS 1900)。当模块有多频带时,回应可能是不同频带的结合。 3、AT+CGMR获得改订的软件版本。 4、AT+CGSN获得GSM模块的IMEI(国际移动设备标识)序列号。 5、AT+CSCS选择TE特征设定。这...
一、一般命令 1、AT+CGMI给出模块厂商的标识。 2、AT+CGMM获得模块标识。这个命令用来得到支持的频带 (GSM 900,DCS 1800或PCS 1900)。当模块有多频带时,回应可能是不同频带的结合。 3、AT+CGMR获得改订的软件版本。 4、AT+CGSN获得GSM模块的IMEI(国际移动设备标识)序列号。 5、AT+CSCS选择TE特征设定。这...
一. 一般命令 1.AT+CGMI 给出模块厂商的标识。 2.AT+CGMM 获得模块标识。这个命令用来得到支持的频带(GSM 900,DCS 1800 或PCS 1900)。当 模块有多频带时,回应可能是不同频带的结合。 3.AT+CGMR 获得模块的软件版本。 4.AT+CGSN 获得 GSM 模块的 IMEI(国际移动设备标识)序列号。 5.AT+CSCS 选择TE ...
legacy_cggeometry_functions legacy_constant legacy_constructor legacy_hashing legacy_multiple legacy_nsgeometry_functions legacy_objc_type legacy_random lower_acl_than_parent multiline_arguments_brackets multiline_parameters multiple_closures_with_trailing_closure no_extension_access_modifier no_fallthrough_on...
cgsvv/AISubtitle - AI subtiltle tool. Translate your subtitle with GPT. 使用chatGPT来翻译你的字幕 xueandyue/ChatGPT-AccessToken-Web - 本项目基于使用accesstoken的方式实现了网页版 ChatGPT 的前端,是用ChatGPT-Next-Web项目进行修改而得,默认Main分支对接gpt3.5的模型,gpt4分支对接gpt4模型。另外本项目...
Intravenous administration of AAV-PHP.eB.2 at 1.7 × 1012 vg was performed by injection into the retro-orbital sinus of an adult Thy1-EYFP mouse (B6.Cg-Tg(Thy1-YFP)HJrs/J, male, five weeks of age). After five weeks of expression, mice were anaesthetized with isoflurane and tran...
Hyperphosphorylated and truncated tau variants are enriched in neuropathological aggregates in diseases known as tauopathies. However, whether the interaction of these posttranslational modifications affects tau toxicity as a whole remains unresolved. By
Small molecule ligands that could stabilize G-quadruplex structure formed at the promoter region of human c-myc oncogene will regulate its expression in cancer cells. Flavonoids, a group of naturally available small molecule, have been known for their various promising effects on human health. In ...
Burian J, Ramón-García S, Howes CG, Thompson CJ (2012a). WhiB7, a transcriptional activator that coordi- nates physiology with intrinsic drug resistance in Myco- bacterium tuberculosis. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 10, 1037–1047. Burian J, Ramón-García S, Sweet G, Gómez-Velasco A,...