More recent versions of pkg(7) understand pkg -N as a test to see if pkg(8) is installed without triggering the installation, and conversely, pkg bootstrap[-f] to install pkg(8) (or force it to be reinstalled) without performing any other actions....
kwitaszczykcommentedJul 15, 2024• edited This PR cherry-picks CHERI-related changes from the 2.76.4 GLib version. The goal for this PR is to provide a branch for CheriBSD ports with cherry-picked commits rath...
忙碌的舒克飞行员,轻松拿捏工地用砂石材料。 忙碌的舒克飞行员,轻松拿捏工地用砂石材料。 11 小飞机先探路 ,干就完了 小飞机先探路 ,干就完了 11 做一个安静的飞行员,舒克。需要空运的联系。#安全第一 #施工现场实拍 做一个安静的飞行员,舒克。需要空运的联系。#安全第一 #施工现场实拍 57 #天上飞的是什么...
FQLite - SQLite Forensic Toolkit. FQLite is a tool to find and restore deleted records in SQlite databases. It therefore examines the database for entries marked as deleted. - pawlaszczyk/fqlite