asynchronous,英文单词,形容词,意为“异步的”。释义 英 [eɪˈsɪŋkrənəs] 美 [e'sɪŋkrənəs]adj.异步的 举例 The terms synchronous and asynchronous are often confused with the termss equential and concurrent.术语同步和异步经常与顺序和并发混淆了。The specification ...
英[eɪ'sɪŋkrənəs] adj.不同时存在(或发生)的;非共时的 网络异步;非同步;异步的 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 asynchronous adj. 1. 不同时存在(或发生)的;非共时的not existing or happening at the same time 释义: 全部,不同时存在的,非共时的,异步,非同步,异步的...
With four explosive NULL gate, anasynchronousexplosive AND gate is designed. 利用四个爆炸零门, 设计了一种异步爆炸与门. 期刊摘选 A function provided by anasynchronousservice provider to cancel a service that has been requested. 由异步服务提供的函数,在取消服务时使用. ...
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asynchronoussound 2 :of, used in, or being digital (seedigitalsense 4) communication (as between computers) in which there is no timing requirement for transmission and in which the start of each character is individually signaled by the transmitting device ...
Asynchronous definition: not occurring at the same time. See examples of ASYNCHRONOUS used in a sentence.
Synchronous 翻译过来就是同步,Asynchronous 就是在前者的基础上加上一个前缀“a”,翻译过来就是异步。个人觉得这两个词在现实生活中中出现的频率很低,可能是一个舶来词,乍一看确实不懂同步,异步到底是什么意思。 于是我上网查了下韦氏词典, 同步,总体上想表达的意思是:两件事情发生在同一时期,或者同一阶段。
标题中的synchronous和asynchronous都是针对Client接口的,表示调用Server的方式。在Simulink没有配置同步还是异步,默认都是同步。此处演示在Simulink中如何创建一个Client接口 设计Client接口 和Server接口一样,创建Client Interface,名为TestCSIf_client,然后创建Operation,接着创建参数,示例如下: 然后创建Client Ports,如下所...
TheTask asynchronous programming model (TAP)provides an abstraction over asynchronous code. You write code as a sequence of statements, just like always. You can read that code as though each statement completes before the next begins. The compiler performs many transformations because some of those...
同步和异步强调的是消息通信机制 (synchronous communication/ asynchronous communication)。所谓同步,就是在发出一个"调用"时,在没有得到结果之前,该“调用”就不返回。但是一旦调用返回,就得到返回值了。换句话说,就是由“调用者”主动等待这个“调用”的结果。而异步则是相反,"调用"在发出之后,这个调用就直接返回...