Replacing Socket.ReceiveAsync with NetworkStream.ReadAsync (awaitable) 20 C# Stream.Read with timeout 4 C# TcpClient Timeout 2 C# await TcpClient ConnectAsync/ReadToEndAsync with timeout 0 NetworkStream ReadTimeOut 1 C# Stream.ReadTimeout Property 3 NetworkStream: ReadTimeout and its effec...
Because of that, the app doesn't jump to - (void)xmppStreamDidConnect:(XMPPStream *)sender, thus i'm not connected with OpenFire. I've spent the whole day on this issue but still can't find the solution. Can anyone help me ? timeout xmpp Share Improve this question Follow edited ...
Boost ASIO(Asynchronous I/O)是一个用于异步I/O操作的C++库,该框架提供了一种方便的方式来处理网络...
BaseStream with timeout Async/Await - How to stop the insanity Asynchronous FTP with the new Async methods Attempted to read or write protected memory attempted to read or write protected memory!! Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is ...
_sessionHandle= SNIProxy.Singleton.CreateConnectionHandle(this, serverName, ignoreSniOpenTimeout, timerExpire,outinstanceName,refspnBuffer, flushCache,async, parallel, isIntegratedSecurity);if(_sessionHandle ==null) { _parser.ProcessSNIError(this); ...
(已经写了个字节数)NSUIntegerbytesDone;//想要读取数据的最大长度 (有可能没有)NSUIntegermaxLength;//超时时长NSTimeIntervaltimeout;//当前需要读取总长度 (这一次read读取的长度,不一定有,如果没有则可用maxLength)NSUIntegerreadLength;//包的边界标识数据 (可能没有)NSData*term;//判断buffer的拥有者是不是...
The time specified by the Timeout property passes. The specified number of bytes is read. The input buffer is filled (if size is not specified). Because readasync checks for the terminator, this function can be slow. To increase speed, you might want to configure ReadAsyncMode to continuous...
Ah. What if you pass a connection **string **rather than a connection to UseSqlServer? Currently you likely end up with all your DbContext instances sharing the same Sql connection causing problems as soon as you start to have multiple http requests at the same time....
The time specified by theTimeoutproperty passes. The specified number of bytes is read. The input buffer is filled (ifsizeis not specified). Becausereadasyncchecks for the terminator, this function can be slow. To increase speed, you might want to configureReadAsyncModetocontinuousand continuousl...