老的库里缺少 ReadTimeout 这个属性,微信登陆时需要这个必要属性但是老的库里没有,所以就会报错。
Replacing Socket.ReceiveAsync with NetworkStream.ReadAsync (awaitable) 20 C# Stream.Read with timeout 4 C# TcpClient Timeout 2 C# await TcpClient ConnectAsync/ReadToEndAsync with timeout 0 NetworkStream ReadTimeOut 1 C# Stream.ReadTimeout Property 3 NetworkStream: ReadTimeout and its effec...
Because of that, the app doesn't jump to - (void)xmppStreamDidConnect:(XMPPStream *)sender, thus i'm not connected with OpenFire. I've spent the whole day on this issue but still can't find the solution. Can anyone help me ? timeout xmpp Share Improve this question Follow edited ...
A call to SerialPort.BaseStream.Flush[Async] seems to mess up the state in the serial port base stream so a read following the flush will timeout/block. Write will send data out on the port without a call to Flush, but other classes wrapping streams in .Net Core, like PipeWriter.Crea...
另一方面,poll_one()需要一个循环,因为poll_one()会立即返回,因为handle_timeout()和handle_read()都没有准备好运行,导致函数最终返回。 原始代码以及修复方案#1的主要问题是,当io_service返回时,async_read_helper()中仍然有未执行的处理程序。在下一次调用async_read_helper()时,要调用的下一个处理程序将是...
expires_from_now方法用于设置从当前时间开始的超时时间,单位为毫秒。readTimeout_是一个整数值,表示超时的具体时长。 启动定时器并异步等待: timer_.async_wait([this,self=shared_from_this()](auto&&PH1){ timeoutHandler(std::forward<decltype(PH1)>(PH1)); ...
_sessionHandle= SNIProxy.Singleton.CreateConnectionHandle(this, serverName, ignoreSniOpenTimeout, timerExpire,outinstanceName,refspnBuffer, flushCache,async, parallel, isIntegratedSecurity);if(_sessionHandle ==null) { _parser.ProcessSNIError(this); ...
class Component { private _timeout: NodeJS.Timeout; public start(): void { this._timeout = setTimeout(this._prolongedTask.bind(this), 8000); } public async stop(): Promise<void> { if (this._timeout) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); this._timeout = undefined; // The dangling pro...
Ah. What if you pass a connection **string **rather than a connection to UseSqlServer? Currently you likely end up with all your DbContext instances sharing the same Sql connection causing problems as soon as you start to have multiple http requests at the same time....
仔细研究后发现 'timeout' => 3600 这个配置的含义是 等待pop消息的时间 ,如果设置的太大会导致 “ read error on connection ” 的报错 于是将该参数调整回 'timeout' => 5 完美解决