Certainly! In ASP.NET Core Web API, synchronous and asynchronous programming refer to different ways of handling requests and responses. Let's explore both concepts with a simple example and a real-world use case. - SyncVsAsyncProgrammingIn.NETCoreAPI/.g
1. 4个chat类接口改为async 2. 知识库操作,涉及向量库修改的使用async,避免FAISS写入错误;涉及向量库读取的改为sync,提高并发master (chatchat-space/Langchain-Chatchat#1414) v0.2.9 … v0.2.4 liunux4odoo committed Sep 8, 2023 Verified 1 parent 1195eb7 commit 775870a Showing...
There’s an option you can use to turn off both safety nets: HttpContext.AllowAsyncDuringSyncStages (it can also be set in web.config). A few pages on the Internet suggest setting this whenever you see these exceptions. I can’t disagree more vehemently. Seriously, I ...
values/" + id) : await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync( "https://www.example.com/api/values/" + id); } } public string Get(int id) { return GetCoreAsync(id, sync: true).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } public Task<string> GetAsync(int id) { return GetCoreAsync(id, sync: fal...
There’s an option you can use to turn off both safety nets: HttpContext.AllowAsyncDuringSyncStages (it can also be set in web.config). A few pages on the Internet suggest setting this whenever you see these exceptions. I can’t disagree more vehemently. Seriously, I don’t know why ...
如果不要DoworkAsync()子线程的结果,直接不用加await,那么,可以继续执行下面的同步方法DoWorkSync(),而我们这里加了,说明,我们对于这里的子线程结果“很重视”,必须要拿到,才能继续下面的其它方法。 此时有读者会说,在此处等结果,不就阻碍了下面的代码运行了吗?会不会阻碍主线程?首先await 会阻止了下面的同步代码...
【Azure 应用服务】由 Azure Functions runtime is unreachable 的错误消息推导出 ASYNC(异步)和 SYNC(同步)混用而引起ThreadPool耗尽问题,问题描述在AzureFunctionPortal上显示:Azu
和DownloadString返回String不同,DownloadStringTaksAsync返回的是Task<string>。Task<T>是在.Net 4.0中做为任务并行库的一部分引入的, 它表示一个正在进行的操作, 更具体地说,表示一个在完成时会返回一个T类型的值的操作。 通过调用一个返回Task<string>的API, 我们不会直接得到一个string, 而是一个句柄,它会在...
= typeof(SynchronizationContext)) { var tc = new SynchronizationContextAwaitTaskContinuation(syncCtx, stateMachineBox.MoveNextAction, flowExecutionContext: false); if (!AddTaskContinuation(tc, addBeforeOthers: false)) { tc.Run(this, canInlineContinuationTask: false); } return; } else { Task...
C# - Making sync function to async Hi, I am just wondering if below code changes (New Code) make any difference in performance with respective to calling cosmos from a web api Old Code: public string GetDocs() { return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(CreateDocumentQuery().ToList());...