(self.streamqueue): result = await async_inference_detector(self.model, img) return result class AsyncInferenceTestCase(AsyncTestCase): if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): async def test_simple_inference(self): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): import pytest pytest.skip('...
For asynchronous inference, get multivariate anomaly detection result based on resultId returned by the BatchDetectAnomaly api. Response Body Schema java 复制 { resultId: String (Required) summary (Required): { status: String(CREATED/RUNNING/READY/FAILED) (Required) errors ...
var credential = new AzureKeyCredential("<key>"); var endpoint = new Uri("<https://my-service.azure.com>"); var client = new AnomalyDetectorClient(endpoint, credential); var result = await client.GetMultivariateBatchDetectionResultAsync("<resultId>"); Remarks For asynchro...
com.azure.verticals.agrifood.farming com.azure.ai.anomalydetector com.azure.ai.anomalydetector.models com.azure.media.videoanalyzer.edge.models com.azure.search.documents com.azure.search.documents.indexes com.azure.search.documents.models com.azure.search.documents.indexes.models com.azure.search.docume...
Configures the behavior of the client used by SageMaker to interact with the model container during asynchronous inference.
java.lang.Object com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder<Subclass,TypeToBuild> com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsAsyncClientBuilder<Subclass,TypeToBuild> Type Parameters: Subclass- Concrete builder type, used for better fluent methods. Direct Known Subclasses: ...
python scripts/download_pretrained_models.py facelib python scripts/download_pretrained_models.py dlib (only for dlib face detector) Download the CodeFormer pretrained models from [Releases|Google Drive|OneDrive] to theweights/CodeFormerfolder. You can manually download the pretrained models OR download...
[ ERROR ] Cannot infer shapes or values for node "detector/yolo-v3-tiny/Conv_12/BiasAdd/YoloRegion".[ ERROR ] object of type 'int' has no len()[ ERROR ][ ERROR ] It can happen due to bug in custom shape infer function <function RegionYoloOp.regionyolo_...
docker docs docs_zh-CN mmdet requirements resources tests data test_data test_downstream test_metrics test_models test_onnx test_runtime async_benchmark.py test_async.py test_config.py test_eval_hook.py test_fp16.py test_utils tools
[ ERROR ] Cannot infer shapes or values for node "detector/yolo-v3-tiny/Conv_12/BiasAdd/YoloRegion".[ ERROR ] object of type 'int' has no len()[ ERROR ][ ERROR ] It can happen due to bug in custom shape infer function <function ...