JavaScript Async 异步请求Await 语法函数前的关键字 await 使函数等待 promise:let value = await promise; await 关键字只能在 async 函数中使用。实例让我们来学习如何使用它。async function getFile() { let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
asyncfunctionmyDisplay() { letmyPromise =newPromise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve("I love You !!"); }); document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=awaitmyPromise; } myDisplay(); Try it Yourself » The two arguments (resolve and reject) are pre-defined by JavaScript. ...
duration ; }); } function callBackFun3(leng){ alert('222 leng='+leng) ; } var src = "" ; async function aaa(){ alert(111); await getAudioUrlDuration(src, callBackFun3 ) ; alert( '333 duration='+duration ) ; alert(444); } aaa(); ...
sort(compareFunction) // Sort items in collection | Traversing the collection * myList.each(function) // Traverse the collection * myList.eachReverse(function) // Traverse the collection in reverse way * myList.eachAsync(function...