}// factory for common, extensible class - that's the reason for the constructor parameter// it can be more sophisticated and accept also params for constructor and pass them there// also, the timeout is just an example, it will wait for about 10s (1000 x 10ms iterationsfunctionfactory(...
@hairon said: Write this code on your constructor Task.Run(async () => await LoadDataAsync()).Wait(); and change the LoadDataAsync function for your function. This is what I do too: 複製 Task.Run(async () => { await CallAPI(); }); Not sure if it's a good approach tho....
async function foo() {}// 函数声明 const foo = async function () {};// 函数表达式 let obj = { async foo() {} }; obj.foo().then(...)// 对象的方法 class Foo {// Class 的方法 constructor() { } async foo(name) { } } const foo = async () => {};// 箭头函数 如果await...
const readFile=function(fileName){ returnnewPromise(function(resolve,reject){ fs.readFile(fileName,function(error,data){ if(error)returnreject(error); resolve(data); }); }); }; const gen=function*(){ const f1=yield readFile('/etc/fstab'); ...
I am trying to make a constructor function in JavaScript, and this constructor should be asynchronous, cause I am using Phantom JS module to scrape the data,so that's why I have to use asynchronous function to scrap data through Phantom JS with Node JS. Below is my code, const phantom...
const foo = async function () {}; // 对象的方法 let obj = { async foo() {} }; obj.foo().then(...) // Class 的方法 class Storage { constructor() { this.cachePromise = caches.open('avatars'); } async getAvatar(name) { ...
functiondouble(value, callback) {setTimeout(() =>callback(value *2),1000); }double(3,x=>console.log(`I was given:${x}`)); 这个函数会由运行时负责异步调度执行。位于函数闭包中的回调函数及其参数在异步执行时仍然是可用的。 失败处理 ...
// 函数声明asyncfunctionfoo(){}// 函数表达式constfoo=asyncfunction(){};// 对象的方法letobj={asyncfoo(){}};obj.foo().then(...)// Class 的方法classStorage{constructor(){this.cachePromise=caches.open('avatars');}asyncgetAvatar(name){constcache=awaitthis.cachePromise;returncache.match(`/av...
This works well, but settestfunction as async like this: pub async fn test(&self) -> u64 { self.inner.test.len() as u64 } and its not working anymore. Logs >flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate [20.7s] Parse └── [20.6s] Run cargo expand └── [0.2s] Parsesourcegraph [1.4...
AsyncFunction.prototype不能被修改. 属性 AsyncFunction.constructor默认值为AsyncFunction.AsyncFunction.prototype[@@toStringTag]Returns "AsyncFunction". 规范 Specification Status Comment ECMAScript 2017 Draft (ECMA-262)The definition of 'AsyncFunction.prototype' in that specification. Draft Initial definition ...