.github/workflows doc rtl script sim syn .gitignore LICENSE README.md async_fifo.core flow.sh README License Asynchronous dual clock FIFO Overview This repository stores a verilog description of dual clock FIFO. A FIFO is a convenient circuit to exchange data between two clock domains. It mana...
Async-Karin is an asynchronous framework for FPGA written in Verilog. It has been tested on a Xilinx Artix-7 board and an Altera Cyclone-IV board. - Mario-Hero/Async-Karin
in simulation, the behavior is the same for either option. Generators may choose to generate these differently (e.g. using negedge vs. posedge in SystemVerilog generation).
Async_FIFOs Async_Tests Async_Verilog Async_Verilog_Wrappers Data Documentation Models Ocean Sim Skill TechLib nmos_lvt nmos_rvt nmos_slvt nmos_sram pmos_lvt pmos_rvt pmos_slvt pmos_sram .oalib TechLib_Readme.md cdsinfo.tag data.dm .bashrc .cdsenv .cdsinit .gitignore .simrc LICENSE READ...
I can't quickly try that out; however, what I could try quickly was postprocessing the resulting Verilog file so that the lines are not too long; in my case, I just split lines on },{ but of course inside Clash we could do much better. Wit this change, Verilator now succeeds, alb...
For this image you still have to imagine that the ternary input signal logical 0 is actually encoded as 2'b11. The generated verilog for this function looks like this: modulec_STI(input[1:0] io_in,output[1:0] io_out );wire[1:0] tnet_0=io_in[1:0];//inwire[1:0] tnet_1;as...
AMC generates GDSII layout data, standard SPICE netlists, Verilog models, DRC/LVS verification reports, timing and power models (.lib), and placement and routing models (.lef). More detailed documentation is available here:http://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/doku.php?id=amc:start ...
包含同步FIFO,异步FIFO,不同位宽转换. Contribute to zhengzhideakang/Verilog--FIFO development by creating an account on GitHub.
async_FIFO design This asynchronous FIFO design is based entirely on Cliff Cumming’s paperSimulation and Synthesis Techniques for Asynchronous FIFO Design. Plan 1. Create the Async FIFO. (Done) 2. Try the basec verilog TB. (Done) 3. Try the UVM verification. (Done) ...