asyncfunctionfetchMoviesBadStatus() {constresponse =awaitfetch('/oops');if(!response.ok) {constmessage =`An error has occured:${response.status}`;thrownewError(message); }constmovies =awaitresponse.json();returnmovies; }fetchMoviesBadStatus().catch((error) =>{ error.message;// 'An error ...
先从字面意思来理解。async 是“异步”的简写,而 await 可以认为是 async wait 的简写。所以应该很好...
// 封装异步的fetch,使用async-await的方式来使用classHttpRequestUtil{asyncget(url){constres=awaitfetch(url);constresult=awaitres.json();returnresult;}asyncpost(url,data){constres=awaitfetch(url,{method:'POST',headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json'},body:JSON.stringify(data)})constresult=awa...
POST请求使用fetch with async/await on submit是指在提交表单时使用fetch函数进行POST请求,并结合async/await语法进行异步操作。 fetch是一种现...
async get(url) { const res = await fetch(url); const result = await res.json(); ...
async function fetchMoviesAndCategories() { const [moviesResponse, categoriesResponse] = await Promise.all([ fetch('/movies'), fetch('/categories') ]); const movies = await moviesResponse.json(); const categories = await categoriesResponse.json(); return [movies, categories]; } fetchMoviesAnd...
封装异步的fetch,使用async await方式来使用 (async() = >{ class HttpRequestUtil { async get(url) { const res = await fetch(url); const data = await res.json(); return data; } async post(url, data) { const res = await fetch(url, {...
export async function http( request: RequestInfo ): Promise<any> { const response = await fetch(request); const body = await response.json(); return body; } // example consuming code const data = await http( "" ); So, we can use our new funct...
在了解了 async 和 await 之后,我们就可以开始编码了 那么首先你需要新建一个 node 项目 npminitfetch-test 接着我们要安装 node-fetch npm install node-fetch -save 目前最新版的 node-fetch 是 2.1.2,直接通过 require('node-fetch') 的方式引入是无法使用的,我们还需要 babel 为我们的项目"编译",接下来...
With async/await, we can use the .ok() method to implement error handling: js Copy async function getResponse() { const response = await fetch( '', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'x-...