the study does indicate that the virus may have implications for the health of even COVID patients who are asymptomatic, Dr. Lam said. The study also reinforces the need to screen all trauma patients for COVID so that positive patients can be isolated to prevent spreading the virus to other...
To the Editor, We read with interest the recent article by Yu et al, which reported asymptomatic transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).1 Asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 who have no clinical symptoms, but test positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 virus (SARSCoV-2) ...
Q: What is asymptomatic infection? A:Asymptomatic infection means people who display no abnormal findings on their lung CT scans and have no symptoms such as fever, cough or sore throat, but test positive for the novel coronavirus. Q: What is the difference between confirmed and asymptomatic ca...
As the name suggests,"asymptomatic infected cases"of the new coronavirus refer to persons who have no obvious clinical manifestations, including fever, fatigue,pneumonia, etc., but test positive for the virus. (Internet picture) Diseases caused by viruses and bacteria may be asymptomatic, which is...
testing close contacts of confirmed cases during their medical observation period; (2) proactively testing those who have been exposed to the virus during infection source tracing; and (3) proactively testing key populations such as those who have traveled to regions with ongoing COVID-19 ...
If you're an asymptomatic carrier of a disease, it means you have the disease but don't show anysymptoms. In the case of COVID-19, this can be a serious threat because of the way this virus spreads: People who are unaware that they have the virus may not stay home or take precauti...
Health authorities adopted a method known as "pool testing" to speed up the process. Lab testers pooled a number of samples from different people and tested them in one tube. A negative result of a pooled sample means the batch can be cleared, but a positive means extra te...
(98.71%) reported negative for Covid-19 in RTPCR, while all 156 samples (100%) were reported negative for Covid-19 by RAT test.#As per the current study, we can consider the RAT results for presenting the criminal person to court, but for sending them to prison, RTPCR is recommended...
Only one male patient (0.72%) has been tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, all others were negative (99.28%). The patient’s history of infectious symptoms was asymptomatic before testing. In a telephone call 1 day after the test, he still had no symptoms but his daughter living with him al...
Measures takento successfully control the SARS in 2003 were majorlybased on testing those having symptoms and isolatingthe positive cases. Nevertheless, a similar guideline hasnot been very ef f ective in controlling the COVID-19 asthe number of infected individuals has gone past 4 millionin ...