But Goffman spread his intellectual wings in the immediate aftermath of World War II, joining an academic pedigree within North American sociology at the University of Chicago in the early 1950s. He also joined a post-War intellectual movement, which offered several critiques of state ...
'In view of the knowledge to be acquired': public visits to New York's asylums in the nineteenth century. This chapter examines asylum tourism in nineteenth-century New York. It argues that the popularity of visits by the public undermines the notion that asylu......
Dec. 20, 2012— -- It took filmmaker Lucy Winer several decades to come to terms with having been locked up in a mental institution in 1967 after several hospitalizations for suicide attempts. Between the ages of 17 and 19, Winer was committed to Kings Park State Hospital, in...
In 2007, the Council of State Governments declared that, "The three largest inpatient psychiatric facilities in the country are jails, with the Los Angeles County Jail, Rikers Island Jail in New York City, and the Cook County Jail in Chicago each individually housing more persons with mental ...
prisons. The jail systems of Cook Country in Illinois, Los Angeles County in California, and New York City collectively have over 11,000 inmates receiving treatment. In Oregon it is estimated that mental-health issues affect more than half of the state's prison population of 14,000.Wall ...
This is a history between 1960 and 2000 of asylums operated in the United States for children labeled as "severely or profoundly mentally retarded," and "emotionally and behaviorally disturbed." I use one primary case study of the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York. Willowbrook...
'In view of the knowledge to be acquired': public visits to New York's asylums in the nineteenth century. This chapter examines asylum tourism in nineteenth-century New York. It argues that the popularity of visits by the public undermines the notion that asylu......
The patient in a large state institution. Parenthetically, behavior of a patient who responds appropriately since all of Goffman's primary data was collected to this plight is most often interpreted by the at St. Elizabeths, his book might more accurately staff as a part of his s...
doi:10.1353/hcy.2022.0035ASYLUMS (Institutions)FERGUSON, SamuelAFRICAN American state legislatorsRACISMJUVENILE delinquencyAdelman, Sarah MulhallJournal of the History of Childhood & Youth