Liam Thornton, ""Upon the Limits of Rights Regimes": Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers in the Republic of Ireland." Refuge 24, no. 2 (2007): 86-100.Thornton, L., `Upon the limits of rights regimes: reception conditions of asylum-seekers in the Republic of Ireland', (2007) 24(2...
1.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person who, from fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, social group, or political opinion, has crossed an international frontier into a country in which he or she hopes to be granted refugee status ...
Life of Asylum Seekers in Ireland: Regia di David McSavage. The story of asylum seekers subjected to the cruel treatment of Direct Provision in Ireland.
Various European nations are already doing successful integration work through soccer. So, the organizers chose eight national teams from countries with a track record of those programs to go to Switzerland, the host nation for the tournament. For instance, in Clarke’s native Repu...
The Causes of Mistrust amongst Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Insights from Research with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors Living in the Republic of Ireland causes of mistrust amongst asylum seekers and refugees: Insights from research with unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors living in the Re- public ...
This review of current research on refugees and asylum-seekers in Ireland was commissioned by the Northern Area Health Board (NAHB). The Health Services Research Centre at the Department of Psychology, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland conducted the study. The study team comprised Ms.Sarah Dela...
Human Rights in Ireland. 24 June 2014. law/the-rights-of-others-asylum-seekers-and-direct- provision-in-ireland/.Thornton, L. (2014) `The Rights of Others: Asylum seekers and Direct Provision in Ireland', Irish Community Development Law Journal, 3(...
This chapter examines the asylum application system in Ireland, focusing on the negative impact of direct provision accommodation centers on child asylum-seekers. Given concerns over children’s health and safety, why is the system of direct provision still in place? The chapter sheds light on a ...
, currently placing the flight from conflict as the highest factor for displacement. Within the UK, the number of asylum seekers has seen a reduction on previous years’ applications. By June 2018, the UK Home Office (UK Home Office;
The Causes of Mistrust amongst Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Insights from Research with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors Living in the Republic of Ireland and refugees: Insights from research with unaccompanied asylum seeking minors living in the Republic of Ireland', Journal of Refugee Studies, 27...