I needed assistance with some legal matters and didn't know where to go. I found LegalMatch and decided to give it a try. Instantly after filling out their questionnaire, I started receiving calls from the exact lawyers I needed for my need. ...
"Send Lawyers "Serious Nonpolitical Offense" "Sheriff Joe" Arpaio "SMARTS ACT" "Stop Time" Rule "T" Visas "Tent Courts" "The Courtroom" "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" "The End of Asylum" "Theater of The Absurd" "Vote 'Em Out!" "Waiting Game" by Pro Publica...
As a thought experiment, consider asylum seekers arriving in such a steady stream of high numbers that there insufficient case workers, lawyers, etc., in the country to keep up. Even with secondment from other work. Processing must on average become faster than the arrival rate. ‘Of cou...