This interview with a young asylum claimant from Tunisia took place in the office of the interviewing caseworker. The analysis of the interview is instructive because it allows us to clearly follow and understand the course and structure of an asylum interview, the standard key questions and the ...
Earlier, I had coached my students on how to best navigate the spoken interview part of the test, where even benign icebreakers such as “Do you have siblings?” pose potential hazards. My Ivorian student has 21 brothers and sisters (one father, three wives), while another student’s...
Winning Asylum For An LGBT Ukranian Client I remember the day when client X came to my office in despair: the client was from Ukraine, and belonged to the LGBT community and reached the point when returning to Ukraine would mean harassment, physical harm and, most importantly, mental ...
Although CBP One’s use in this capacity is still new and this analysis is therefore preliminary, the following sections will unpack the recent development of CBP One to provide initial answers to these questions. This section, however, emphasizes that regardless of CBP One’s effectiveness, the...
It was the answers to these questions that provided the clues that completed the puzzle for border patrol agents that Quiroz must be a lesbian. Unlike the border patrol officers who Luibhéid discusses who seemed eager not to accept Quiroz, many immigration attorneys consider Diane as one of ...