Synonyms for asylum Collins Roget's WordNet nounmental hospital Synonyms mental hospital hospital institution psychiatric hospital madhouse funny farm loony bin nuthouse rubber room laughing academy nounrefuge Synonyms refuge security haven safety
It leaves a lot for the viewer to figure out: who is "crazy" and who is "sane?" I'm not familiar with this theory of treating mental illness, but apparently it has something to do with letting mentally ill people live together without taking medication and just be themselves. It ...
crazy house,cuckoo's nest,funny farm,funny house,loony bin,madhouse,nut house,nuthouse,sanatorium,snake pit,Bedlam- pejorative terms for an insane asylum hospital,infirmary- a health facility where patients receive treatment Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton...
The movie is not fast on its feet and contains little action but it makes up for it all with a well told and engaging story. Plenty of suspense.Overall: I highly recommend it. Maybe not a 'must watch' but after you see it, you'll be glad you didn't miss it. Great ending too....
To go into acting is like asking for admission to an insane asylum. Anyone may apply, but only the certifiably insane are admitted. — Michael Shurtleff 33 Many people think it's in bad taste to advertise for an insane asylum... but come on down. We're going crazy. — Colin Mochrie...
Filming Begins for THE CARETAKER starring Avaryana Rose, Robert Bronzi, Daniel Baldwin, & Rampage Jackson December 20, 2024 August Kyss Joins Alex Petrovich, ‘Jackass’ Star Bam Margera, Lynn Lowry,Kansas Bowling and more in Rob Gabriele new horror action film ”Jesus Cop” ...
There should be prioritized/special processing of Asylum cases for people who have been waiting for more than 3 years. Also the number of years that we have already spent waiting should be counted towards the green card and citizenship applications as well. I mean we should not have to ...
Later known as Worcester State Hospital, the Asylum was designed by an architect named Mr. Ward P. Delano of the firm Fuller & Delano of Worcester. Mr. Delano also designed the Worcester Theatre and City Hospital. Links for more info ...
I’ll shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk along the beam and join me!' The second man immediately spots the problem with this and shakes his head. ' "What do you think I am? Crazy? You’d turn it off when I was half way across!" ...
Bringing shock rock to the forefront of the music industry, the iconicKISSshowcased just how crazy a concert can get. For five decades, the band toured the world, offering fans a chance to see the legendary band in person. Throughout that time, KISS sold over 100 million albums and landed...