Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 300 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 100 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Complete list of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) trading on the ASX. Download (CSV) with Market Caps. Explanation of how they work. Pros & Cons.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 200 companies. ASX 200 constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 50 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 20 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Where a company has been admitted to the official list under the “assets test”, on the basis that more than half of its assets are liquid assets, then it must lodge a quarterly report setting out the financial information prescribed by Appendix 4C of the ASX Listing Rules. ...
Australia's S&P/ASX 20 index with REAL-TIME charts. Share prices for the ASX top 20 companies. Constituent list and company information. Rank by performance.
555 0.316 GOLDBAY ENTERPRISES PTY LTD 5,033,950 0.287 MR HUGH KENT ELLIOT & MS PENELOPE ANN ELLIOT 4,438,519 0.253 Total Shares - Top 20 Holdings 795,510,172 45.278 Total Shares 1,756,956,651 (1) 84,999,933 fully paid ordinary shares are held by Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees ...
For the fifth year in a row, CPT’s largest client was in the USA and five of our top ten clients in 2023 were based in North America. In 2023 our revenue fell by 6% to $28.1m with a modest increase from the Australian operations more than offset by a reduction in revenue in the...