Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 200 companies. ASX 200 constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Australia's S&P/ASX 200 index with REAL-TIME charts. ASX 200 list of companies. Share prices and detailed information. Historical data. Rank by performance.
ASX 200 (XJO.ASX): Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for Index ASX 200 | Australian S.E.: XJO | Australian S.E.
Complete list of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) trading on the ASX. Download (CSV) with Market Caps. Explanation of how they work. Pros & Cons.
02/28/2025 8,248.9 8,248.9 8,155.5 8,172.4 02/27/2025 8,245.8 8,300.0 8,243.0 8,268.2 02/26/2025 8,251.2 8,251.2 8,210.1 8,240.7 02/25/2025 8,296.3 8,296.3 8,227.6 8,251.9 02/24/2025 8,279.5 8,310.0 8,216.3 8,308.2 02/21/2025 8,331.5 8,354.0 8,289.7 8,296.2 02/...
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 300 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 100 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 20 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Australia's S&P/ASX 20 index with REAL-TIME charts. Share prices for the ASX top 20 companies. Constituent list and company information. Rank by performance.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 50 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.