Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 200 companies. ASX 200 constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
ASX 200 Share Prices Australia's Top 200 companies by market capitalisation (not S&P constituents). 155 9 36 Falling Rising ASX Delayed Cboe Live Streaming At Close 07/03 (AEDT) CodeCompanyPriceChg% ChgHighLowVolumeMkt Cap1 Year AGL
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 300 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 100 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
Xero Ltd (ASX:XRO) stock price, GURU trades, performance, financial stability, valuations, and filing info from GuruFocus.
thereby allowing exposure to Australia’s top 200 companies without having to buy or sell shares in every company in the index. ASX SPI 200™ Futures are approved for trading by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA).The Australian Equ...
Australia's S&P/ASX 20 index with REAL-TIME charts. Share prices for the ASX top 20 companies. Constituent list and company information. Rank by performance.
Download an up-to-date list of Australia's top 20 companies. Constituent data includes GICS Sectors, market cap and index weighting.
SLF SPDR S&P/ASX 200 Listed Property Fund 495,302,000 0.71 SMLL Betashares Aust Small Companies Select Fund (Managed Fund) 33,693,300 0.05 SPY SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 40,093,700 0.06 SSO SPDR S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Fund 21,442,800 0.03 STW SPDR S&P/ASX 200 Fund 3,661,200,000 5.26...
ASX Top 50 Companies The S&P/ASX 50 (XFL) Index comprises Australia’s large-cap equites. The index contains the 50 largest ASX listed stocks with the cut-off being a market capitalisation of ~$5billion (AUD). Constituents account for ~62%(September 2023)of Australia’s sharemarket ...