What is the market cap of Fortescue? Where are Fortescue shares listed? What kind of share is Fortescue? Is there a Fortescue share price forecast for 2025? What is the trend in the Fortescue share price? What is the Fortescue PE Ratio? Who are the key directors of Fortescue?
Where are Dicker Data shares listed? What kind of share is Dicker Data? Is there a Dicker Data share price forecast for 2025? What is the trend in the Dicker Data share price? What is the Dicker Data PE Ratio? Who are the key directors of Dicker Data?
The vesting conditions for this tranche had two conditions, EPS growth target and share price hurdle (“base price”). The EPS growth target was met, however the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of CTM’s shares in the 5 trading days prior to 30 June 2023 had to be higher than $...
estimates of the share price at the time of vesting are forecast to facilitate an estimate of the number of shares to be issu 326、ed at vesting.No person entitled to exercise the options had or has any right by virtue of the option to participate in any share issue of the company or ...
ASX Announcement | 11 March 2022 1 ASX Announcement 11 March 2022 2021 Annual Report Larvotto Resources Limited ( ASX: LRV ) (Larvotto, Company) in accordance with s319 of the Corporations Act 2001 and Listing Rule 4.5, submits its 2021 Annual Report for release to the market. Authorised for...
“share based payments options and rights”.Fair 271、 values at grant date are independently determined using Hoadleys 1 Hybrid ESO model that takes into account the term of the right,share price at grant date,probability of service condition being met,expected volatility of the underlying share...
The Company's primary assets are located in the Midland Basin of West Texas, the Eagle Ford Trend in South Texas and the Delaware Basin in New MexicoEast West Petroleum (TSX:EW.V) is a TSX Venture Exchange listed company established in 2010 to invest in international oil & gas ...
The Company's primary assets are located in the Midland Basin of West Texas, the Eagle Ford Trend in South Texas and the Delaware Basin in New MexicoEast West Petroleum (TSX:EW.V) is a TSX Venture Exchange listed company established in 2010 to invest in international oil & gas ...
of cash and share payments estimated at USD 56.88, thereby retaining about 26 percent ownership in the newly combined entity. This decline in James Hardie's stock price not only affected its performance but also sent ripples through the wider market, contributing to the bearish sentiment observed....
Notably, this merger is projected to accelerate James Hardie's net sales and adjusted EBITDA by 250 and 300 basis points over the next five years, respectively. James Hardie’s strategic shift into the US market underscores the ongoing trend of consolidation in the building and construction sector...