Australia. As a fully functioning securities exchange, the ASX provides a number of services, such as listings, trading, clearing, settlements, technical and information services, and post-trade services.
The Breville Group was the leading company in the consumer durables and apparel segment on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in Australia as of March 2025, with a market capitalization of approximately 4.96 billion Australian dollars.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the securities industry regulator for Australia, is taking exchange operator the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) to court over allegations that ASX officials made “misleading statements related to its Clearing House Electronic Subregister Sys...
同时,澳大利亚央行(Reserve Bank of Australia,RBA)的货币政策对指数的价格波动也具有重要影响。RBA的利率决策直接影响市场流动性和投资者的风险偏好。当利率上调时,企业融资成本上升,消费者支出受到抑制,可能导致股票市场承压,S&P/ASX 200指数价格随之下行;反之,降息则可能刺激市场情绪,推动股价上涨。行业结构与...
Current and historical market capitalization for Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ASX:CBA) stock, including annual, quarterly and daily history with a chart and statistics.
Australia’s primary securities exchange was founded in 1987 and is known as the Australian Securities Exchange or ASX. The ASX is operated by a public company (ASX Limited) and was established by merging the country’s six state securities exchanges at that time. In 2006, the ASX was ...
4. National Australia Bank Ltd (NAB) 行业:金融 澳大利亚国民银行(NAB)是澳大利亚四大银行之一,主要提供商业银行、零售银行以及财富管理服务。NAB在澳大利亚和新西兰市场上有着广泛的业务布局,涵盖从个人银行业务到企业融资等多个领域。NAB的市场表现对S&P/ASX 200指数中的金融行业具有重要影响,其股价波动直接影响指数的...
例如,金融和矿业公司在该指数中占有较高权重,特别是像联邦银行(Commonwealth Bank of Australia)、必和必拓(BHP)和力拓(Rio Tinto)等大型企业的股价变化会显著影响指数的整体走势。因此,当这些企业发布季度财报、调整股息政策或受到特定政策监管时,其股价的波动会放大到整个指数层面。
Financial & Commodity Market Operators Market Closed -Australian S.E. 01:10:49 2025-03-28 am EDT5-day change1st Jan Change 66.98AUD+0.71% +1.50%+2.92% Mar. 13ASX Poised for Potential Upside, JPMorgan SaysMT Mar. 11Australia to consider allowing dual-class share listings, exchange executive...