2021年4月20日,全球金铜矿勘探开发巨头之一 的中国紫金矿业(沪市:601899)与澳交所上市公司Xanadu Mines Ltd(ASX :XAM , 仙乐都矿业 )签署了股权认购协议,公司分阶段投资获得仙乐都矿业上市公司约19.9%股权,以及仙乐都矿业下属Khuiten Metals Pte.Ltd.(“辉腾金属”)50%股权,进而拥有蒙古哈马戈泰铜金矿项目(Kharmagta...
Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX:AB1) (“the Company”) today released its Appendix 4C for the three-month period from 1 April 2019 to 30 June 2019 (2Q19 or “the Quarter”). Key points Positive operating cash flow of $2.9 million received during the Quarter The Company recognis...
Find suppliers of ICEPOWER50ASX2SE using netCOMPONENTS. If you are not already a netCOMPONENTS member, request a free trial membership today to search the netCOMPONENTS database of over 400 billion electronic components and contact ICEPOWER50ASX2SE suppliers. Statistics 0Total Quantity 0Suppliers li...
Find suppliers ofASX340AT3C00XPED0-KP-DPBRusing netCOMPONENTS. If you are not already a netCOMPONENTS member,request a free trial membershiptoday to search the netCOMPONENTS database of over 400 billion electronic components and contact ASX340AT3C00XPED0-KP-DPBR suppliers. ...