ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo 15 OLEDは、あらゆるクリエイターを満足させる最高のツールです。圧倒的な映像美と広い視野を実現する2つの4K対応ディスプレイ。HDR対応4K 有機ELメインディスプレイと傾斜を設けた4K セカンドディスプレイは、どちらもタッチ操作に対応し、直感的な操作性を実現。最高...
Explore dual-screen laptops and foldable designs with Asus ZenBook, blending innovation and performance for multitasking and creativity.
Asus ZenBook Pro Duo 14 UX482 虽在名称承袭ZenBook Pro Duo 14 ,一改传统笔电C 件键盘靠转轴、下方为触控板的设计,将原本键盘位置置入一具超宽比第二萤幕,键盘则挪到下方,并将触控板整合在键盘右侧;乍看下UX482 仍与前两代类似,但机构设计与UX480 、 UX481 有相当显著的变化,其中一项重点即是AAS Plus 微...
the world-leading 2.8K OLED HDR 16:10 main touchscreen has a smooth 120 Hz refresh rate, PANTONE Validated color accuracy, and a cinema-grade 100% DCI-P3 gamut. Zenbook Pro 14 Duo OLED puts its rivals in the shade, making it the ultimate compact OLED laptop for the discerning creator....
ВсеОбзоры по Zenbook Pro Duo 15 OLED (UX582), включаянаграды, отзывыивидео.
With this spec, this price is definitely justifiable. ASUS Zenbooks have been tailored more to creative or daily use, but the Pro versions take it to a new level. The 14 Duo has two screens one OLED, while the 16X has a giant OLED screen and a knob! So if you want to flex on ...
ВсеОбзоры по Zenbook Pro Duo 15 OLED (UX582), включаянаграды, отзывыивидео.
价格:¥29049.00 评价: 点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 满减 每200元减30元 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:华硕(ASUS)系列:ZenBook Pro Duo 15型号:UX582LR-XS74T
Zenbook Pro Duo 15 OLED (UX582, 12th Gen Intel) YouTube video player Complimentary 3-month Adobe Creative Cloud subscription with the purchase. Learn more on ASUS website for more details ScreenPad™ Plus: 14 inch 4K matte touchscreen, giving your endless way to optimize your multitasking...
Zenbook 精雕細琢的 Zenbook 兼具美學與強大效能,讓您盡情釋放創作能量,輕鬆揮灑創意不受限。 檢視全部 Zenbook Zenbook Pro 創新Zenbook Pro 搭載高效能處理器、疾速顯示卡等尖端技術,提供給需要強大的多工作業能力,將影片編輯或圖形設計工作流程最佳化之使用者的完美創作平台。 15" 16" ...