支援多張 GPUZ97 主機板支援 NVIDIA® SLI™ 和 AMD CrossFireX™,可使用多張 GPU 設定,讓您徹底駕馭最新的繪圖技術。 4K/Ultra HD 卓越視覺效果經由 HDMI 或 DisplayPort 原生支援高達 4096 x 2160 的 4K/UHD(超高解析度)解析度,像素數是 1080p (1920 x 1080) 的四倍,給予您驚人的視覺清晰度、細緻...
Podrobná špecifikácia: Z97-A Špecifikácie,Procesor:Intel® Pätica 1150for the 5<sup>th</sup>/New 4<sup>th</sup>/4<sup>th</sup> Generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron®,Podporuje procesory Intel® 22nm,Podpor
Z97-A Find Another Model En enregistrant votre appareil, vous pouvez facilement gérer la garantie de votre produit, obtenir une assistance technique et suivre l'état de vos réparations. Enregistrer mon produit Support CPU / Mémoire Pilotes et outils Connaissances Manuel d'utilisation...
Z97-A CPU Support des processeurs Intel® gravés en 22nm,Intel® Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® Socket 1150de 5ème et 4ème/ nouvelle 4ème génération,Support de la technologie Intel® Turbo Boost 2.0,* Le support de la technologie Intel® Turbo Boos...
Z97-A 対応CPU Intel® Socket 1150for the 5th/New 4th/4thGeneration Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® Processors,Supports Intel® 22nm CPU,Supports Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0,* The Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 support depends on the CPU types.,* ...
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华硕(ASUS)Z97-A 二手主板 1150针全固态主板支持4790K 1231v3支持M.2固态 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 百龙腾二手电脑配件专营店 店铺星级 商品评价4.7 高 物流履约4.0 中 售后服务3.5 低 进店逛逛关注店铺 ...
Z97-A CPU Intel® Socket 1150for the 5th/New 4th/4th Generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® Processors,Supports Intel® 22nm CPU,Supports Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0,* The Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 support depends on the CPU types.,* ...
Our motherboards are proven to be compatible with more than 1,000 components and devices, and undergo a minimum of 7,000 hours of strict validation. That gives you the peace of mind of knowing that ASUS motherboards are fit for all environments and applications. To build your PC with the...
Z97-A CPU Intel® Socket 1150for the 5th/New 4th/4thGeneration Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® Processors,Supports Intel® 22nm CPU,Supports Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0,* The Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 support depends on the CPU types.,* Refer...