4)找到ASUS AI Suite 3 程式,在說明中查找是否有ASUS EZ Updatey,如下圖,有ASUS EZ Update,則該主機板支援ASUS EZ Update5.如果有無法解決更新BIOS等問題,請聯絡當地的華碩服務中心。Q&A: Q: 為什麼600系列主機板找不到EZ update ? A: 600系列只有ROG STRIX Z690–A GAMING WIFI D4/ ROG STRIX B660-...
您需要登录才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册 x 一个16MB 一个8MB 必须两个一起刷 版本号2403 ...
发布厂商:华硕(ASUS) 发布日期:2020-04-03 文件容量:6.55MB 提交时间:2020-05-03 下载次数:318 驱动种类:官方正式版 操作系统:Win10-64 适应硬件:华硕ProArt Z490-CREATOR 10G主板驱动说明 ASUS华硕ProArt Z490-CREATOR 10G主板BIOS 0403版(2020年4月3日发布) 华硕PRIME Z490-A主板最新BIOS,属于常规更新...
update:2025/01/15 [MotherBoard] UEFI BIOS EZ MODE GUI介紹 update:2025/01/10 Armoury Crate 內容平台購物服務 update:2025/01/08 [主機板] 如何Clear CMOS update:2025/01/03 [主機板]故障排除-音效卡(Audio)麥克風無法正常收音 update:2024/12/30 [Armoury Crate] 如何關閉節慶彩蛋燈效? update:2024/...
发布厂商:华硕(ASUS) 发布日期:2021-07-24 文件容量:10.61MB 提交时间:2021-08-26 下载次数:196 驱动种类:官方正式版 操作系统:MS-DOS 适应硬件:华硕ROG STRIX Z490-I GAMING主板驱动说明 ASUS华硕ROG STRIX Z490-I GAMING主板BIOS 2301版(2021年7月24日发布) 新版BIOS默认支持Windows 11系统。 纠错 ...
update:2025/01/22 [Motherboard]How to set and enable WOL(Wake On Lan) function in BIOS update:2025/01/22 [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - External Keyboard/USB Keyboard/Wireless Keyboard Issues update:2025/01/22 [Motherboard] How to support Intel APO(Application Optimization)? update:202...
BIOS FlashBack™ 按鈕 - BIOS FlashBack™ LED 指示燈 - Procool II - 預裝 I/O 支架 - 安全插槽 Aura Sync 功能 - 標準 RGB 接頭 - 可定址 Gen 2 RGB 接頭 內建紅色 LED 補強燈 (下頁繼續) xii ROG STRIX Z490-H GAMING 規格列表 軟體功能 ROG 獨家軟體 - RAMCache III - ROG CPU-Z - ...
When in the bios with a USB formatted to FAT 32 go to Tool, Load/Save Profile, CTR+F2Can you explain how to do this .Also in your video description you say that is with no overclock but when booting it says right on the screen 43% overclock is set. So something is not right. ...
When in the bios with a USB formatted to FAT 32 go to Tool, Load/Save Profile, CTR+F2Can you explain how to do this .Also in your video description you say that is with no overclock but when booting it says right on the screen 43% overclock is set. So something is not right. ...