USB-BT400 Find another model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Register Product FAQ Need Help? Email Us Find service locations The AC adapter sparks when plugged into the outlet ...
Product support for USB-BT400 Find another model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Register Product Driver & Tools FAQ Manual & Document Warranty More Service FAQ Need Help? Find service...
我的USB蓝牙总线ASUS is 400不起作用。我整天都在搜索一些线索,但都没成功。你能帮帮我吗?如果你不...
@Sebseb82 If you have an Asus USB-BT400 dongle and wish to use it in macOS Monterey, you need to use the following Broadcom based Bluetooth kexts. BrcmPatchRAM3.kext BrcmFirmwareData.kext BlueToolFixup.kext These kexts can be downloaded from the Acidanthera > BrcmPatchRAM repository, link ...
Can anyone tell me if this usb dongle bluetooth asus bt400 it's working on ds212j with DSM 5.1-5004 Update 2 Cause I want to buy a bluetooth speaker, but first I need to see this "bluetooth issue". And can anyone give me feedback about this DS Station with bluetooth speakers?
华硕USB-BT400 是一款采用最新蓝牙 4.0标准的 USB 超小型配适器,支持蓝牙 BLE 技术,有效减少功耗。该适配器完全兼容蓝牙 3.0,2.1 和 2.0,可与不同设备兼容,如电脑,打印机,手机,耳机,扬声器,键盘,鼠标,游戏控制器等。 品牌:华硕 克重:5克 尺寸:0,8 x 2 x 1,6 cm ...
The ASUS USB-BT400 provides new and advanced Bluetooth 4.0 and enables wireless connectivity with a wide range of devices such as computers, printers, phones, headsets, speakers, keyboards, controllers, and more. In addition, the ultra-small USB-BT400 comes with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tech...
The ASUS USB-BT400 provides new and advanced Bluetooth 4.0 and enables wireless connectivity with a wide range of devices such as computers, printers, phones, headsets, speakers, keyboards, controllers, and more. In addition, the ultra-small USB-BT400 comes with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tech...
May 5 13:05:13 modprobe: module btusbdrv not found in modules.dep May 5 13:05:13 init: fwver: (sn:M5ICI6003742 /ha:FC:34:97:89:7A:20 ) May 5 13:05:13 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file. ...
May 5 05:05:16 kernel: Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Registered<304>^[[0m May 5 05:05:16 kernel: BPM: tot_mem_size=1073741824B (1024MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =161061270B (153MB), num of buffers=57195, buf size=2816 ...