The USB-AC53 Nano is specially-designed to be compact and durable to safely and securely stay plugged into a notebook PC even inside a slim carrying case. Selectable dual-band 300Mbps/ 867Mbps bandwidth Dual-band operation suits mainstream and power users. The 2.4 GHz band is perfect for we...
體積輕巧為 USB-AC53 Nano 的一大特色,同時也能安全穩固連接於筆記型電腦,即便將筆電裝入容量狹小的手提包也不會造成裝置鬆脫。 選用的雙頻 300Mbps/867Mbps 頻寬 雙頻功能符合一般使用者與重度使用者的需求。 2.4 GHz 頻帶適合瀏覽網路、收發電子郵件及使用社群網站,而 5 GHz 頻率則可提供順暢的 4K 串流與線上...
The USB-AC53 Nano is specially-designed to be compact and durable to safely and securely stay plugged into a notebook PC even inside a slim carrying case. Selectable dual-band 300Mbps/ 867Mbps bandwidth Dual-band operation suits mainstream and power users. The 2.4 GHz band is perfect for we...
ASUS 华硕USB-AC53 无线网卡AC1200 Nano USB双频无线适配器MU-Mimo 黑色 便携旅行 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税 税费信息 税费详情: 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 店铺星级 商品评价4.9 高 ...
電腦周邊設備,一站購足就在華碩官方商城。全球最小的 USB MU-MIMO Wi-Fi 介面卡-超快 Wi-Fi 就在極小體積中,輕鬆串聯全世界。立即升級膝上型電腦的 Wi-Fi-享受 802.11ac Wi-Fi 速度。最適合串流和遊戲-雙頻支援功能給您 5GHz 頻寬,享受順暢無比的 4K UHD 串流及低延遲遊
USB-AC53 Nano Găsește alt model Accesează Suport Produs Upgrade de garanție:Aici. * Te rugăm să reții că disponibilitatea gamelor de produse Premium Care poate diferi în funcție de țară. Înregistrează Produs ...
World’s smallest dual-band 802.11ac MU-MIMO enabled USB Wifi adapter Plug & Play with simple setup for hassle-free connectivity Instant Wifi upgrade for desktops and laptops to 802.11ac compatibility for extended wireless coverage and higher data transf
全新ASUS华硕USB-AC53 Nano双频1200M802.11AC USB无线网卡Wifi适配器 如今什么都朝着迷你化方向发展,无线 的Nano接收器相当迷你,而外置 能不能也做成那么小巧呢?近日,ASUS( )带来一款号称世界最小的超迷你USB网卡—— ,只有指甲盖大小且性能强大,支持2.4G/5G双频和2×2 MU-MIMO技术,提供867Mbps(5G)+300Mbps(2....
ASUSUSB-AC53 Nano双频迷你无线5G网卡wifi笔记本电脑发射器 USB-AC53 Nano迷你网卡 windows图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
The USB-AC53 Nano is specially-designed to be compact and durable to safely and securely stay plugged into a notebook PC even inside a slim carrying case. Selectable dual-band 300Mbps/ 867Mbps bandwidth Dual-band operation suits mainstream and power users. The 2.4 GHz band is perfect for...