ASUS TUF GAMING Z590-PLUS 可發揮最新 Intel® 處理器的重要元素,並結合適合電競的功能與通過考驗的耐用性。這些主板採用軍規級組件、升級的電源解決方案及全方位的散熱選項,可提供堅如磐石的效能以因應長時間的遊戲需求。在美學方面,TUF GAMING Z590-PLUS 採用全新 TUF Gaming 標誌並結合簡潔的幾何設計元素,展現...
Power Design Cooling Memory & Storage Connectivity Power Design Driver and MOSFET Multilayer PCB Power Connector System Stability Controller DrMOS The onboard VRM of TUF GAMING Z590 series motherboards utilize 14+2 DrMOS power stages that combine high-side and low-side MOSFETs and drivers into a...
TUF Gaming Z590-PLUS is an Intel® Z590 (LGA 1200) ATX gaming motherboard with 16 DrMOS power stages, PCIe® 4.0, one 64 Gbps M.2 slots, Intel® 2.5 Gb Ethernet, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C®, front panel USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C®, Two-way AI Noise Can
TUF Gaming Z590-PLUS WIFI is an Intel® Z590 (LGA 1200) ATX gaming motherboard with 16 DrMOS power stages, PCIe® 4.0, one 64 Gbps M.2 slots, Intel® WiFi 6 and 2.5 Gb Ethernet, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C®, front panel USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C®, Two-
Toutes les Avis pour TUF Gaming Z590-PLUS WIFI,y compris les récompenses, les évaluations et les vidéos.
我们接着来看价格相对友善很多的入门款Z590 电竞主板 ASUS TUF GAMING Z590-PLUS WIFI Z590 晶片主要是为第十一代CPU 诞生的,虽然目前还没十一代可以使用,但现在可以购买的第十代CPU 来使用 只是想要先买十代+ Z590 顶着使用先的朋友可能要有心理准备 第十一代上市的初期,高阶款CPU 可能不会有单买这回事...
Power Design Cooling Memory & Storage Connectivity Power Design Driver and MOSFET Multilayer PCB Power Connector System Stability Controller DrMOS The onboard VRM of TUF GAMING Z590 series motherboards utilize 14+2 DrMOS power stages that combine high-side and low-side MOSFETs and drivers into a...
在疫情影響的當下,各式電腦零組件價格紛紛起飛,而 Z590 主機板作為當前 Intel 最強主機板系列產品,TUF GAMING Z590 PLUS WIFI 在合理價為下殺出一片天,儘管主機板外型為玩家個人主觀考量較重,但在軍規理念設計下,TUF GAMING 主機板一直在進化,這次在南橋保護蓋上的設計可說是令人眼睛為之一亮。
ASUS TUF GAMING Z590-PLUS 可發揮最新 Intel® 處理器的重要元素,並結合適合電競的功能與通過考驗的耐用性。這些主板採用軍規級組件、升級的電源解決方案及全方位的散熱選項,可提供堅如磐石的效能以因應長時間的遊戲需求。在美學方面,TUF GAMING Z590-PLUS 採用全新 TUF Gaming 標誌並結合簡潔的幾何設計元素,展現...
TUF Gaming Z590-PLUS WIFI is an Intel® Z590 (LGA 1200) ATX gaming motherboard with 16 DrMOS power stages, PCIe® 4.0, one 64 Gbps M.2 slots, Intel® WiFi 6 and 2.5 Gb Ethernet, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C®, front panel USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C®, Two-