TUF GAMING X570-PLUS (WI-FI) Zoek een ander model Door uw apparaat te registreren, kunt u eenvoudig uw productgarantie beheren, technische ondersteuning krijgen en de status van uw reparatie bijhouden. Registreer product CPU / Geheugen Ondersteuning Driver & Tools Kennis Handleid...
TUF Gaming X570-Plus 可發揮最新 AMD 平台的重要元素,並結合適合電競的功能與通過考驗的耐用性。這些主機板採用軍規級組件、升級的電源解決方案及全方位的散熱選項,可提供堅如磐石的效能及優異的遊戲穩定性。 當您使用 TUF Gaming 主機板打造電腦時,也將獲益於 TUF Gaming Alliance,亦即 ASUS 與可靠的業界夥伴的...
1599元价格:1599 商品好评率100% 购买渠道 京东 去购买 购买建议 购买指数:价格适中 当前价格整体适中,刚需可入 价格适中 历史价格 历史推荐均价1555.14元 由「什么值得买」APP提供绘制而成,仅供参考
TUF GAMING X570-PLUS (WI-FI) Find Another Model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Upgrade Warranty: Here. * Please note that the availability of the Premium Care product line...
Buy ASUS AM4 TUF Gaming X570-Plus (Wi-Fi) ATX Motherboard with PCIe 4.0, Dual M.2, 12+2 with Dr. MOS Power Stage, HDMI, DP, SATA 6Gb/s, USB 3.2 Gen 2 and Aura Sync RGB Lighting with fast shipping and top-rated customer service.Once you know, you Newegg!
例) TUF GAMING X570-PLUS (WI-FI) 方法2: UEFI BIOS Utility で TPM を有効に設定します。 TPM の設定方法はこちらをご覧ください: [Motherboard] Windows 11 をサポートするモデルとBIOSでTPM 2.0 を設定する方法 3. 8GB以上の容量を持つUSBメモリーを用意し、Windows 11 のインストールメデ...
AMD X570 Chipset Aura Sync 2 x RGB headers 4 x Front USB 2.0 ports ROCK-SOLID PERFORMANCE With upgraded power delivery and comprehensive cooling options to fuel AMD's latest CPUs, plus support for faster memory and storage, TUF Gaming X570-Plus (Wi-Fi) is the perfect foundation for yo...
AMD X570 Chipset Aura Sync 2 x RGB headers 4 x Front USB 2.0 ports ROCK-SOLID PERFORMANCE With upgraded power delivery and comprehensive cooling options to fuel AMD's latest CPUs, plus support for faster memory and storage, TUF Gaming X570-Plus (Wi-Fi) is the perfect foundation for your...
本次要介紹的是 ASUS TUF GAMING X570-Plus Wi-Fi 這款主機板。 ASUS TUF GAMING X570-Plus Wi-Fi 採用超越同級對手競品的 6 層 PCB 板、軍規級元件等等。並且在嚴格的環境與溫度進行高耐久度測試,以增強並確保其耐用性。在保固方面一樣比照高階產品,具備五年保固。整體來說,這張主機板不僅是價格較...
AMD X570 Chipset Aura Sync 2 x RGB headers 4 x Front USB 2.0 ports ROCK-SOLID PERFORMANCE With upgraded power delivery and comprehensive cooling options to fuel AMD's latest CPUs, plus support for faster memory and storage, TUF Gaming X570-Plus (Wi-Fi) is the perfect foundation for your...