2024 TUF Gaming A15 comes with up to AMD Ryzen™ 9 8940H CPU with Ryzen™ AI support, up to an NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4070 Laptop GPU, and NVIDIA® Advanced Optimus.
Детальні характеристики ASUS TUF Gaming A15 Характеристики,Операційнасистема:WITHOUT OS、Операційнасистема:WITHOUT OS|Windows 10 Home — ASUS рекомендує Windows 10
TUF Gaming A15是一款完整搭載Windows 10 Home的電競筆電,提供絕佳的遊戲體驗和實際的耐用性,帶領您贏得勝利。最高配備最新的AMD Ryzen™ 9 處理器和GeForce RTX™ 2060 圖形處理器,讓驚心動魄的遊戲畫面變得更快速流暢,高達144Hz 的高速IPS級顯示器,可呈現完整飽和的色彩。此款電競筆電甚至擁有比前代更小巧且...
2022 TUF Gaming A15 配備 Windows 11、AMD Ryzen™ 7 6800H處理器和 NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 30系列顯示卡。高達 FHD 144H高幀數顯示器可提供流暢的遊戲體驗。 軍規等級的耐用性,讓您可以在任何地方進入遊戲隨時開戰
Geared for serious gaming and rocking a slick new style, TUF Gaming A15 is a feature-packed Windows 10 Pro gaming laptop with the power to carry you to victory. The new GeForce RTX™ 3070 GPU delivers fluid gameplay on up to a 240Hz display with 100% s
华硕(ASUS)TUF Gaming A15游戏笔记本电脑15.6英寸810H军标3060/4050独显 Gray RTX 3060_TUF Gaming A15图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
实际使用中,这台华硕TUF Gaming A15的表现真是让人惊艳。游戏性能方面,不管是《古墓丽影》这种大型游戏,还是《地平线4》这种竞速游戏,都能在高帧率下流畅运行。屏幕表现也非常出色,色彩鲜艳,可视角度大,玩游戏时视觉效果非常好。内存和显卡的性能表现也很稳定,特别是在独显直连功能开启后,游戏帧数更加稳定。
Erittäin kestävät TUF Gaming -kannettavat. "Military Grade Toughness" tarjoaa luotettavan pelikokemuksen laajalle pelaajajoukolle.
TUF Gaming A15 is based on the original but must match the hardware details. The highlight of this one is the screen that will upgrade the resolution from the original one step further. and supports the color gamut for working with Play games, edit, design, 3D, it all works. Fast data...
TUF Gaming A15 is based on the original but must match the hardware details. The highlight of this one is the screen that will upgrade the resolution from the original one step further. and supports the color gamut for working with