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ASUS 华硕RT-AC66U Wireless-AC1750 双频千兆无线路由器 $181.81免运费 历史价 Created with Highcharts 4.0.3最高185.00美元 最低87.79美元by 海淘网haitao.com15.
RT-AC66U B1 提供 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz 同步雙頻,速度分別高達 450Mbps 和 1300Mbps,不僅使總傳輸速度達到 1750Mbps,也能維持完美的穩定性。 您可以透過 2.4 GHz 頻段執行網路瀏覽、檔案下載等基本作業,也能利用更清晰的 5 GHz 頻段讓多部裝置進行 HD 串流、支援線上遊戲或用於其他頻寬需求較高的用途。
ASUS 华硕 RT-AC66U 802.11ac 双频无线 AC1750 千兆路由器 新蛋网价格. 新蛋网价格788包邮,同款其他渠道价格820+。 采用第五代802.11ac芯片提供新双频2.4GHz/5GHz,超快的传输速度,最高可达1.75Gbps。AiRadar搭配可拆卸高增益天线延伸无线
ASUS RT-AC66U AC1750 1750Mbps Wi-Fi 5เราเตอร์ Dual-Band 2.4GHz และ5 GHz 802.11AC 3x3 aimesh 4-Ports กิกะบิต Search by image Find what you love with better prices on AliExpress by using an image search...
In most cases, your RT-AC66U B1 can deliver smooth, reliable Wi-Fi to every part of your home. But Wi-Fi coverage can be affected by many factors — room layout, construction materials, and even furnishings. ASUS AiMesh is an innovative new router feature that fixes these problems: it ...
De ASUS RT-AC66U B1 is voorzien van een dual-core processor die afrekent met de tegenvallende prestaties waar andere routers last van hebben. Zelfs op de drukste thuisnetwerken verloopt HD video streaming dus altijd soepel, is de latentie laag tijdens online gaming en VoIP-gesprekken, en...
In most cases, your RT-AC66U B1 can deliver smooth, reliable Wi-Fi to every part of your home. But Wi-Fi coverage can be affected by many factors — room layout, construction materials, and even furnishings. ASUS AiMesh is an innovative new router feature that fixes these problems: it ...
Der RT-AC66U bietet gleichzeitig sowohl 2,4 GHz- als auch 5 GHz-Frequenzbereiche mit jeweils bis zu 450Mbps und 1300Mbps, so dass der Router insgesamt eine Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 1750Mbps erreicht. Der 2,4GHz-Frequenzbereich ist optimal für tägliche Aufgaben wie da...
ASUS has a range of wireless routers suitable for every purpose. Whether it's for your home, for business trips, or for any other need or environment, there's an ASUS router for you.