步骤六、安装完成可于桌面找寻Device Discovery快捷方式图示或者依据以下步骤开启Device Discovery。(以下图标以Windows 10 操作系统为例) 如果是Windows7 或是Windows 8用户请从您的电脑桌面点选开始>程序集>Asus Utility,即可找到Asus Device Discovery程序 步骤七、开启Asus Device Discovery 程序后,可将您的电脑连上您...
當網路環境中有使用一台或多台華碩路由器產品時,ASUS Device Discovery程式可以用來偵測無線路由器裝置,查詢每一台路由器設定頁面的IP位址,並且讓您進入無線路由器的設定頁面進行管理。 ASUS Device Discovery支援多種作業系統,相關設定方式請參考以下FAQ: 如何從Windows作業系統裝置找到無線路由器的IP位址 如何從Android作...
ASUS Device Discovery app helps you find all ASUS networking devices, including router, repeater, IPcam, Access Point and wireless Media Bridge in your network, and you can use this app to get device IP address ,then login to device firmware page. Required Android Version:Android 4.0 and the...
當網路環境中有使用一台或多台ASUS Router或Repeater產品時,該如何知道每一台ASUS Router或Repeater設定頁面的IP位址? Asus Device Discovery程式可以用來偵測無線路由器裝置,並且讓您進入無線路由器的設定頁面進行管理。 支援的Android版本:需要Android 4.0 以上版本 如何安裝及使用Device Discovery 步驟一、請於Google商店...
ASUS Device Discovery is a utility to find the IP address of wireless router. Features: 1. Scans your local area network to find ASUS routers 2. Configures your network to access routers 3. Open configuration website of routers What’s New ...
ASUS Device Discovery is a APP to find the IP address of wireless router. Features: 1. Scan your local area network to find ASUS WiFi router/AP/repeater 2. Con…
[ASUS Device Discovery] 如何從Windows作業系統裝置找到無線路由器的IP位址 進入路由器設定頁(Web GUI) 步驟1. 首先將電腦與華碩路由器以網路線或WiFi連接,開啟瀏覽器,輸入您的路由器IP位址或路由器網址http://www.asusrouter.com 進入路由器登入介面。
ASUS Device Discovery is a APP to find the IP address of wireless router. Features: 1. Scan your local area network to find ASUS WiFi router/AP/repeater 2. Con…
(4)(5) Thực thi tập tinDiscover.exe.InstallShield Wizard sẽ hoàn tất quá trình cài đặt công cụ ASUS Wireless Router Discovery trên máy tính của bạn. (6)(7) Sau khi cài đặt xong, click chọn biêu tượng công cụ và nó s...
asus华硕应用软件主要为大家整理了由华硕推出的一些手机软件,有些是与电子硬件配对连接使用的,有些可以单独使用,包括armourycraterog智控中心、rog gaming center、华硕路由器asus router、华硕游戏空间、华硕闪传、华硕商城、华硕一键换机、linktomyasus、auraheadset、glidex、asus lyra、asusextender、asus device discovery...