ROG and Studio ©khara bring the communion of gamers and machines with the EVANGELION collection. The Republic of Gamers launches new equipment for the EVANGELION project, with tech in motherboards, graphics cards, gaming cases, all-in-one coolers, gam
ROG X EVANGELION - 泛用電競誕生 2022年,ROG 玩家共和國推出嶄新重量級經典聯名專案 - ROG X EVANGELION。 ROG Strix GeForce RTX ™ 3080 EVA 限定版顯示卡多項效能增強, EVA 初號機的經典美學完整妝點包覆了顯示卡護蓋及背板,指標性的燈光效果同步也能在側邊的ARGB 燈板上完整呈現。為 EVA 狂粉們提供...
ROG X EVANGELION - 泛用電競誕生 2022年,ROG 玩家共和國推出嶄新重量級經典聯名專案 - ROG X EVANGELION。ROG Thor II EVA 限定版白金級電源供應器 身披 EVA 經典元素外殼,設備元件及散熱功能升級,成為同級產品中最安靜的電源供應器,即使在與對手最嚴苛的對戰中亦能維持優異效能。
The ROG Herculx EVA-02 Edition is wrapped with a variety of ROG and Evangelion-themed graphics while it bears the burden of keeping a graphics card level. Its stand is styled like the EVA-02’s Progressive Knife to communicate strength and adaptability. And like all ROG Herculx holders, us...
ROG玩家共和國今推出第二彈ROG X EVANGELION聯名商品,全新的強大武器庫,包括:「ROG Maximus主機板」、「ROG Strix GeForce RTX™ 4090顯示卡」、「ROG Ryujin III ARGB一體式水冷散熱器」、「ROG Hyperion電競機殼」與「ROG Herculx顯示卡支架」在內等多款精銳重裝,並以全球知名動漫IP《新世紀福音戰士》...
ROG x EVANGELION - 新世纪福音战士限量版 就在2022,ROG玩家国度将为EVANGELION执行一场装备生成任务。ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 EVA 限量版无线路由器,采用WiFi 6无线技术,天线以EVA初号机肩部拘束器样式设计,专属App接口更以A.T.力场样式及初号机动态呈现,演绎《新世纪福音战士》独特格调! 蓄势待发 ROG RAPTURE ...
The first VGA Gaming has RAM ECC | Born as an overclock boss! ROG RTX 4090 Matrix The Rise of Biological Robots | ROG x EVANGELION-02 Vu boasted that he sold 3000 PC sets, took all the profits and imported 4090 matrices (90 bulbs), that's a bold guy!
The first VGA Gaming has RAM ECC | Born as an overclock boss! ROG RTX 4090 Matrix The Rise of Biological Robots | ROG x EVANGELION-02 Vu boasted that he sold 3000 PC sets, took all the profits and imported 4090 matrices (90 bulbs), that's a bold guy!
ROG x EVANGELION - 有 ROG 设计. 由 NERV 测试. EVA 联名版. ROG 以「2号机」和「明日香」为主题全新设计的产品,延续专为游戏玩家打造的《新世纪福音战士》产品企划。第二弹推出的商品包括主板、显卡、显卡支架、电竞机箱、一体式水冷散热器、周边产品及配件。打造完整的计算机并实现高度的「明日香」同步...
The first VGA Gaming has RAM ECC | Born as an overclock boss! ROG RTX 4090 Matrix The Rise of Biological Robots | ROG x EVANGELION-02 Vu boasted that he sold 3000 PC sets, took all the profits and imported 4090 matrices (90 bulbs), that's a bold guy!