Steam Deck OLED vs 华硕 ROG Ally X - 《寂静岭2 重制版》性能表现对比 1.6万 2 1:20 App SteamOS为华硕ROG Ally掌机加入新功能,让游戏更流畅 8958 33 2:06 App Steam Deck上的顶级神作,吊打掌机一众FPS游戏,画面震撼,爽到飞起 6197 67 9:11 App 你是否还在纠结steamdeck还是rogally? 4.7万 172 6:... introduction01:37 size03:25 screen07:35 audio08:41 controls13:37 I/O and ports15:28 software18:14 stability20:38 battery23:15 performance25:54 dockability2, 视频播放量 467、弹幕量 0、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 0、收
they are pretty different. The ROG Ally X, which is the newer of the two, packs a powerful processor, a bigger battery, and Windows 11. The Steam Deck has Steam OS, access to an expansive game library, and good build quality. But if you're in the market for a gaming...
iFixit 认为 ASUS ROG Ally 比 Steam Deck 更容易拆开 Steam Deck 以高度模组化和维修度自居,同为手持游戏机的 ROG Ally 如何呢?拆机专家 iFixit 对此有答案了,结论是 ASUS ROG Ally 比 Steam Deck 更容易拆开,其中电池的部分更只需要松开螺丝即可,摇杆也能轻易地从底版分离,不像后者般有胶水黏着电池。
Asus has announced the ROG Ally, a new handheld gaming system. It features the AMD Ryzen Z1 series and is more powerful than the Steam Deck.
不过,Asus已经确认这是一个真实的掌机,根据Asus的说法,基于Windows 11的ROG Ally内部搭载了来自AMD的定制Ryzen APU,就像Valve的Steam Deck内部的Aerith SOC一样。尽管Valve的Steam Deck是目前为止将PC游戏变成真正的掌上游戏机最成功的尝试,但有许多竞争对手,例如Ayaneo 2或来自GPD和OneXPlayer的其他类似Switch的...
近日網上已有影片,將 Asus ROG Ally (Prototype 原機型) 及 VALVE Steam Deck 進行比較,從影片已知兩機都會配備 7" 屏幕,但 Asus ROG Ally 的解像度與更新率都更勝一籌,而且機身體積更小巧,方便用家攜帶。有關兩機已知規格的比較,大家可從以下列表了解。
Steam Deck vs ASUS ROG Ally: At a glance Both have acceptable low-end models, but you should upgrade if you can afford it. The Ally can run any Windows game that meets its specs, whereas the Steam Deck is limited to Steam titles unless you use workarounds. ...
though. The Asus ROG Ally does have the newer RDNA 3 graphics architecture, compared to Steam Deck's RDNA 2-based GPU. However, the AMD Ryzen Z1 has just four Compute Units (CU), while the Z1 Extreme has 12 CUs. Meanwhile, the Steam Deck has eight CUs, which would put it firmly...
If you’re trying to decide between the Asus ROG Ally X and the Steam Deck OLED, our guide has all you need to know about the two handhelds.