2023年 11 月大更新!华硕Asus ROG ALLY 六个月使用测评「The Phawx」|机翻中字油管科技TV 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 4268 0 02:27 App rp5重大更新 3.0万 1 00:50 App 【ROG】 幻14 Air 2025 3719 1 09:07 App 同价位不同系统两台掌机对比 ROG vs SD oled 1.5万 3 06...
ROG Ally 內建 Armoury Crate SE可自動為不同情境套用不同控制模式。若移除Armoury Crate SE,系統將預設為遊戲手把模式。請於 ROG Ally 產品官網[支援]中下載Armoury Crate SE Installer 並於系統重新安裝即可恢復自動切換模式功能。 是否可以套用 Armoury Crate SE 控制模式 (Control Mode) 中的自動模式 (Auto mo...
Hey can anyone please upload their e support folder or an oem iso for the asus ally because i cannot seem to get my asus in WINRE to work at all so dose anyone have it please and thankyou0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 REPLY ...
Да, ROG Ally поддерживаетвсеосновныелаунчеры, включая, помимопрочего, Xbox Game Pass, Steam, Epic Games Launcher, Ubisoft Connect, EA App и GOG Galaxy. Загруженныеигрыбудутавтоматиче...
The Asus ROG Ally X is everything that I wanted in a gaming handheld. It has fantastic battery life. Excellent ergonomic when gaming for a long period of time. Asus really did their homework to improve this version of the handheld. Even though the screen is still IPS, it is still among...
The Asus ROG Ally X is everything that I wanted in a gaming handheld. It has fantastic battery life. Excellent ergonomic when gaming for a long period of time. Asus really did their homework to improve this version of the handheld. Even though the screen is still IPS, it is still among...
I deleted a game in Armoury Crate SE, but the game is still installed on my ROG Ally. Why? The delete function in the Armoury Crate SE Game library can only delete the Game Profiles that you have configured for the game. If you want to delete the entire game from your system, please...
这位网友的状况比较奇怪,新买的内存卡在Ally上无法使用,即便多次格式化和重设Ally也一样,但使用转接器就能正常工作,可在SD卡中加入或删除档案:Twitter 上也有不少人反应 ROG Ally 的 SD 内存卡出问题。虽然大多数用户是因为机器过热才造成 SD 卡故障,但也有人在没有过热的情况下就无法使用,而且即便是使用 ...
I bought a second hand Asus rog ally second hand and the previous owner forgot to delete it from his account can a mod help me please? 1 REPLY Anbby_ROG Customer Service Agent 10-27-202408:22 PM Due to the need for your personal information. ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5oHS7CA6Qo&ab_channel=DigitalFoundry 在制作视频花费数周以及BIOS问题导致的进一步延期之后,我们对于Asus ROG Ally的评测终于完成了。我们看到的是截至目前配置最高的PC掌机,搭载Z1 Extreme处理器,高速内存,以及1080p 120Hz的VRR面板。但同时,掌机使用的OS是Windows 11 - 这...