“黑猴加掌机,又遇双11,这不爽死了”,单提开箱:ROG ally掌机 1126 -- 41:46 App 开源掌机之间同步存档教程 | 作者 Retro Game Corps | 机翻中字 4177 6 6:44 App 一代rog掌机仅需3500,眼睛值1000,那他适合你吗? 1064 1 6:56 App 又收一台奥丁1能刷win的845掌机20231217 1.1万 45 9:35 App ...
【中配】【华硕ROG Ally X评测】惊人续航,内存升级,支持USB4:全方位解读【 ETA PRIME】 爱摸鱼的月萌 2.5万 5 今天魔改了三台ROG Ally100W.h大电池+主动散热,再浅谈一下魔改大内存的个人看法/Steam deck oled/Win掌机 巾奇 5632 5 用rog ally替换了steamdeck,使用2个月后,聊聊感受 抽风Crazy 37.0万 ...
华硕ROG龙神3代 海盗船H150 瓦尔基里V360 钛钽LG700 第七期 1.4万 119 4:30 App Steamdeck必入配件第2/3集 4205 -- 15:43 App 【4K60帧】数毛社对Bazzite操作系统技术评测:PC Win掌机的“SteamOS” | 作者:Digital Foundry | 机翻中文 2.1万 3 1:20 App SteamOS为华硕ROG Ally掌机加入新功能,让游戏...
【笔记本测评】华硕ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold 上手测评|Ben's Gadget Reviews|机翻中字 油管科技TV 394 0 两分钟教你迁移系统至新硬盘 幻隐存储 3.0万 5 ROG幻14Air和华硕天选Air两台14寸轻薄全能本怎么选? ASUS华硕官方UP 7816 71 13号出华硕ROGallyX二代掌机全新未拆封国行 刘叔叔电玩 556 0 【手机测...
机身背面的ROG之眼兼具进气散热功能;饰带为金属材质不会发光,但会反射光线呈现颜色变化。不只拥有潮流外观,华硕最新推出ROG Ally更是目前市面上同类产品中,性能最强悍的一台,它采用的AMDRyzen Z1 Extreme处理器,称得上是专门为游戏掌机所打造,通过台积电4纳米制程配合Zen 4架构,小小机身中共塞入8核心16线程,...
You can also connect an external GPU to the ROG Ally using the ROG XG Mobile unit and then plug into an external monitor. This to me just doesn't seem like a realistic scenario in which anyone would want to use the Ally. You are much better off building a gaming PC or using a lapt...
You can also connect an external GPU to the ROG Ally using the ROG XG Mobile unit and then plug into an external monitor. This to me just doesn't seem like a realistic scenario in which anyone would want to use the Ally. You are much better off building a gaming PC or using a lapt...
华硕ROG Ally vs. 联想Legion Go vs. 壹号本OneXFly 10:36 2023年最好的掌上游戏设备是...?「Fan The Deck」|机翻中字 22:44 2023年仍是属于Steam Deck的一年「NerdNest」|机翻中字 17:20 Steam Deck OLED 一个月体验 - 是否值得买?「The Tech Chap」|机翻中字 12:04 Steck Deck OLED vs ROG...
Thus, here we have the Windows 11-based ROG Ally. And, sure enough, it’s both sleeker and faster than the Deck, with a superior 1080p/120Hz screen that helps put it as close to a conventional gaming PC as you can get without having to lug around a 2kg laptop. Plus, ...
ROG Ally X 与 Steam Deck OLED(诚实评论)【ValisMind】 572 -- 2:40 App 11.17号出一台国行rog ally x改2T硬盘的游戏机 4499 5 4:28 App 七彩虹B650M橘猫:取代技嘉!已经是御三家的模样了 724 -- 1:18:12 App 微星CLAW掌机游戏实测第二弹 288 -- 11:14 App 【手机开箱】华为 Huawei Mate ...