3. Install the software drivers for the expansion card. When using PCI cards on shared slots, ensure that the drivers support “Share IRQ” or that the cards do not need IRQ assignments. Otherwise, conflicts will arise between the two PCI groups, making the system unstable and the card ...
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产品简介:华硕P6TD Deluxe具备6根DDR3三通道内存插槽,最高可支持DDR3-2000MHz(OC)规格的内存;具备3根PCIe X16插槽,支持SLI及CrossFire技术,1根PCIe X4和2根PCI插槽等。华硕称该系列主板集合众多优良技术于一身:采用了Stack Cool3+散热技术、Xtreme Phase供电设计、可支持Turbo V、EMI、Q-Shield等技术。
Inc_ASUSP6TDInc 系统标签: asustekdeluxemotherboardsasus华硕文库 ASUSTeKComputerInc.-Motherboards-ASUSP6TDDeluxeProducts一体机台式电脑显示器Eee家族产品手机网络产品笔记本电脑周边产品&配件商用系列商用台式电脑商用笔记本电脑服务器与工作站PC配件机箱显卡主板多媒体产品光存储电源AwardsNewsServices支持下载专区产品注册意见...
I was just wondering why the word XTREME is nowhere to be seen on the box, I would have liked to see Asus P6X58 XTREME or something like that. DonInKansas Joined Jun 2, 2007 Messages 5,106 (0.80/day) Location Kansas System Specs Jul 12, 2009 #27 hat said: The...
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