ASUS NUC 13 Pro Mini PCs, Kits, and Boards offer the combination of size, performance, and reliability you need to drive modern business. It all starts with 13th Gen Intel Core processors that deliver outsized performance in a 4x4 form factor, with up to 14 processor cores (6P+8E) and...
ASUS NUC 13 Pro Mini PCs and Kits offer the size, performance, sustainability, and reliability to drive modern business.
NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition Mini PCs feature a new, eye-catching chassis for a top-of-desk display.
Das NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition Kits verfügt über ein neues, auffälliges Gehäuse für ein Top-of-Desk-Display.
「女神的梦幻桌面主机」ASUS NUC悦动峡谷:美丽与力量并存!想为家中添置一台台式电脑 却在主机上犯了难 对于男性来说 只要参数过关就可激情下单 但对于女性来说 就算性能再卓越 若是外观笨重又过时 都会被毫不留情的pass掉!那不妨了解下这款“小白美”华硕NUC 13 Pro悦动峡谷mini主机 小巧精致,完胜传统主机!...
NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition Kit Nájsť iný produkt Registráciou zariadenia budete môcť ľahko spravovať svoje záruky, kontaktovať technickú podporu a mať všetky informácie o opravách. Rozšírenie záruky: Kliknite tu. * Upozorňujeme, že dostupnosť produktov...
To support anytime, anywhere collaboration, the NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition features Intel® Wi-Fi 6E (Gig+), for nearly 3X faster Wi-Fi speeds than Wi-Fi 5—even in high-traffic environments.1,2 Cutting-edge Connectivity Create a clutter-free workspace with Thunderbolt™ 4 ports that ...
To support anytime, anywhere collaboration, the NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition features Intel® Wi-Fi 6E (Gig+), for nearly 3X faster Wi-Fi speeds than Wi-Fi 5—even in high-traffic environments.1,2 Cutting-edge Connectivity Create a clutter-free workspace with Thunderbolt™ 4 ports that ...
NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition Kit功能特色 產品規格 支援 引人注目的全新機殼,非常適合桌上型顯示器 時尚吸睛造型,適合在任何房間展示 帶有蜂巢狀通風口的鋁製機殼 印有標誌的白色塑膠外蓋 尺寸:1.5 吋 (37 公釐) x 4.6 吋 (117 公釐) x 4.4 吋 (112 公釐) 測試音量僅 32 dBA,運轉靜謐無擾 Kensington 防盜...
Das NUC 13 Pro Desk Edition Mini PCs verfügt über ein neues, auffälliges Gehäuse für ein Top-of-Desk-Display.